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Consultant - Cardiac Anaesthesiology
M.B.B.S., M.D. (Anaesth.)
Areas of expertise
Cardiac Anesthesiology
Professional Affiliations
- Indian association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia.
- Secretary, Association of cardiovascular Thoracic Anesthesiology- Mumbai. ( ACTA – Mumbai)
- Association of medical consultants of Mumbai
- Published “Anesthetic management of PDA complicated by endocarditis.” In IJA, 41, 263, 1993
- Presented ‘Atracurium in Myasthenia patients’ at XLI annual ISA conference, Bangalore, 1993.
- International conference on pain, Oct 1993 at AIIMS, New Delhi and presented paper ‘Ketorolac in post-thoracotomy patients.’
- ‘Tramadol HCL: efficacy compared with Morphine sulphate in post-thoracotomy patients’ at congress on recent advances in Anesthesiology at Trivendrum, Oct 1994.
- Presented a study of incidence of hypotension in elderly at 45th Annual Conference of Indian society of anesthesiology.
- ‘Anesthetic management of patient undergoing whole lung lavage for pulmonary alveolar proteinosis’, at Ooty annual IACTS conference, Feb, 1997.
- Guest lecture on ‘postoprative neurological complications in patients undergoing open heart surgery’ at annual ISA, Nagpur, 2000.
- Published original article on ‘ High Thoracic Epidural Anesthersia And Postoperative Analgesia For Fast Tracking Patients Undergoing CABG : our initial experience’ in Annals Of Cardiac Anaesthesia, Vol 3, No 1, January 2000.
- ‘Coagulation abnormalities in patients undergoing CABG with CPB, using various different colloids’ at NATA conference, Malaga, Spain, 2006.
- Guest lecture on ‘volume therapy in cardiac surgery’ at annual ISA conference, Mysore, 27-29th Dec 2006.
- Guest lecture on ‘Pacemakers and defibrillators in Anesthesia practice’ at west zone conference ISA at Nagpur, 29-30th Sept 2007.
- Guest lecture on Etomidate in cardiac Anesthesia at 11 th IACTA, Ahemadabad, 22-24th Feb 2008.
- Faculty at 1st conference of Delhi- NCR cardiac anaesthesia association, New Delhi, March 22nd, 2008.
- Faculty at WISACON, Akola, 3-4th August 2009. Panelist for ‘cardiac patient for non-cardiac surgery’.
- Faculty at IACTA Chennai, 15-17th May 2009. Lecture on ‘coagulation tests in cardiac surgery’.
- Faculty at CME on ‘cardiac patient for non-cardiac surgery’, 7th June, 2009, Mumbai.
- Faculty at NEEMACON, Mumbai, 18-19th October, 2008. Presented lecture on ‘CVP monitoring – ideals and ideas’. Conducted workshop on Haemodynamic monitoring.
- Faculty at WAD conference, Mumbai, October, 2009. Conducted a workshop on ‘Haemdynamic monitoring’.
- Faculty at RSACPCON, New Delhi, 9-11th October, 2009. Chairperson in cardiac anaesthesia session and lecture in Pro-Con sesson on ‘operation theatre pollution should be treated on war footing’.Faculty and Guest lecture at MASICON 2010, Mumbai.
- Faculty and Guest lecture at IACTA, Kolkata, 2010
- Faculty and Guest lecture at IACTA, Banglore, 2011
- Organiser and course co-ordinator for cardiac CME in KEM hospital, 2010 and at Fortis hospital, 2011, under the aegis of ACTA-Mumbai.
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