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Consultant Hematology & Transfusion Medicine; President Indian Society of Haematology & Blood Transfusion
DCP, MD Path.
Areas of expertise
Benign Hematology Coagulation and platelet disorders and thrombophilic states. Anemia: diagnosis and management with special focus on developing early indicators of iron deficiency anemia. Hemato-oncology Diagnosis of leukemia and lymphoma with special focus on newer investigative modalities such as flow cytometry and molecular markers. Flow cytometry Conventional and newer applications
Professional Experience and Training
Professional Experience
- Consultant Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, P.D.Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Mumbai, September 1991 to date.
- Consultant and Head of Department of Hematology and 24 hours lab, Apollo Hospital, Chennai. (July 1988 – June 1991)
- Pathologist in charge, Doctor Centre Pathological Laboratory, Mumbai (April 1985 – May 1987)
- Junior Lecturer, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute (GCRI) Ahmedabad.(April 1983 – May 1984)
- Clinical Pathologist, King George’s Medical College, Lucknow. (December 1979 – June 1982)
- Participated in a training program on GCP and GLP conducted by Institute of Clinical Research at the P.D.Hinduja National Hospital (2007)
- Diagnostic Hematopathology at Mayo Medical Laboratories, Mayo College, Rochester, USA. Trained in advanced ancillary laboratory assays and flow cytometric immunophenotyping (1999)
Hoxworth Blood Centre at UCMS in peripheral blood stem cell Transplantation and · HLA typing (1995)
- University of Cincinnati Medical School (UCMS) in basic cytogenetics (1995)
- University College Hospital, London in procedure, protocol and management of peripheral blood stem cell and bone marrow transplantation and other aspects of hematology as practised in England (1993)
Professional Affiliations
- Organizing Secretary, Symposium on Advanced Clinical Applications of flow cytometry, February 2009
- Member, Executive Committee, Mumbai Hematology group (2008 – 2009)
- Faculty Member,National Meeting on Guidelines for Immunophenotyping of Hematolymphoid Neoplasms and Workshop on Detection of MRD and Analysis of Flow Cytometric Data (2008)
Secretary,Mumbai Hematology Group (1999-2000)
Research Projects undertaken at PDHNH
- Comparison of ELISA and Western Blot Techniques in HIV testing (Chief Investigator)
- Study of Chromosomal Aberrations in certain groups of patients (Chief Investigator)
- Clinical Utility of DNA Flow Cytometry in Haematological Malignancies (Co-investigator)
- FISH in CML and Down’s syndrome patients (Chief Investigator)
- Fibrinolytic assays in Thrombophilic states (Chief Investigator)
- Determination of Incidence of subclinical vitamin B12 and/or Folic Acid deficiency in apparently healthy adults with macrocytosis (Co-investigator)
- Genomic analysis of the RET proto-oncogene in Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma family (Co-investigator)
- Thrombophilia states in non-cirrhotic portal vein thrombosis (Co-investigator)
- Co-investigator of the project Heparin induced thrombocytopenia: serological diagnosis, epidemiology and FcgRIIa polymorphism analysis
- Chief Investigator of the project to establish the validity of the new test (RET-Y & RBC-Y) against serum ferritin & soluble transferrin receptor assays (sTfR). This project is also a part of a DNB dissertation
- Influence of Method of Specimen Collection on Various Preanalytical Sample Quality Indictors in EDTA Blood Collected for Cell Counting by T.F.Ashavaid, .Sucheta Dandekar, S.Khodaiji, M.H.Ansari & Adarshpal Singh published in Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 2009/ 24(4) 356-360.
- Contributed an article on Investigating Platelet Disorders in Hematology Today 2007 published on the occasion of the CME in Hematology and Hemato-oncology and edited by Dr M.B.Agarwal
- Published an article in the MHG Newsletter Vol.1,September 2007 on General Principles of Quality Control in Hematology
- Report of the proceedings of the national meeting on “Guidelines for Immunophenotyping of Hematolymphoid Neoplasms by Flow Cytometry” in the Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology -51(2) April-June 2008
- L Pinto, F Kagalwalla, s Singh, C Balakrishnan, S Khodaiji Macrophage Activation Syndrome: Experience in a Tertiary Referral Centre, JAPI. Vol 55. March 2007
- Spontaneously developing autoantibody to factor VIII in an elderly woman: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 2004 Jan
- Authored article ‘Coagulation Cascade in the next millennium’ in Recent Advances in Pediatrics, Special volume 7
- Autologous Blood Transfusion or Orthopaedic surgery – A Practical Alternative in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, volume 33, July 1999, page 195-199
- Detection of Lupus Anticoagulant – a comparative evaluation of common screening tests. Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 1999 : volume 17, No.3; 65-67
- Etiopathogenesis of macrocytosis in apparently healthy nonanemic adults in Indian Journal of Haematology and Blood Transfusion 13 (Suppl) 8, 2000.
Research Strengths and Achievement
- Special award for the poster” Immunoglobulin levels of children and correlation with peripheral blood lymphocyte profile, disease status, and patient characteristics” at the Annual Conference of the MHG on 6th March 2010
- Prestigious BGRC oration,32nd annual conference of the Mumbai Hematology Group,2009, Mumbai
- Paper on “Guidelines for Immunophenotyping of Hematolymphoid Neoplasms by Flow Cytometry” (published in Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology in April-June 2008) won the best Paper award of the Cytometry Society declared at Bhubaneswar,February 2009
- Award for paper presented on “Evaluation of different platelet counting methodologies vis-a-vis the international reference method by flow cytometry” at annual conference of the Mumbai Hematology Group on 7/11/09
- L.D.Sanghvi award for epidemiology for the paper on “Macrocytosis in apparently healthy non-anemic adults in November 2000.
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