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Consultant Rheumatologist
Areas of expertise
Rheumatologic Emergencies, SLE, Infection and Rheumatology, Retroperitoneal fibrosis, Takayasu’s arteritis, Stress and Auto immunity.
Professional Experience and Training
Professional Experience
She has worked in the subspecialty of rheumatology for the past 20 years in renowned centres (Birmingham and Bath) in the United Kingdom, B. Y. L. Nair Hospital and P. D. Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre.
Senior Lecturer Medicine and Rheumatology, T.N.M.C. & B.Y.L. Nair Ch. Hospital, Mumbai.
Associate Prof. Medicine & Rheumatology T.N.M.C. & B.Y.L. Nair Ch. Hospital, Mumbai.
Examiner at the 3rd M.B.B.S., Bsc. (O.T.), Bsc. (P.T.) and B.D.S. examination in the subject of medicine for 7 years.
Recognised post graduate teacher (M.D. Medicine) of Mumbai University from January 1997 to 2000.
Scientific Advisor
- Glenmark
- Pfizer
- Ranbaxy
Professional Affiliations
- Associate Joint Secretary of the Indian Rheumatism Association since Dec. 1997 to date
- Joint Secretary Staff Society B. Y. L. Nair Ch. Hospital and T.N.M.C, Mumbai for the year 1988 – 99
- Referee for the Journal of Association of Physicians of India for the years 1994 – 1996.
- Referee for the Journal of the Indian Rheumatism Association 1999 onwards
- Life Member of Association of Physicians of India (API)
- Life Member of IRA (Indian Rheumatology Association)
- Life Member of Critical Care Society of India
- Life Member of IMA (Indian Medical Association)
- Life Member of Infectious Disease Society of India
Honours & Awards
- Awarded Fellowship to present a paper at the Japanese National Congress in 1999
- Guide for MSC by research students who won the 2nd best poster award at Jaipur National Rheumatology conference.
- Teacher for DNB Rheumatology - DNB programme at Hinduja is the first in Western India started from 2008.
- Participated in a study on “Musculoskeletal problem of tribals and locals in Gadchiroli” in collaboration with Dr. Abhay Bang, Dr. VR. Joshi and Dr. Bhojraj
- Started one year paid fellowship programme in Rheumatology. (for a minimum of 3 years) from 2010.
- Organizes yearly symposium in Rheumatology for MD Physicians
- Dr. Kharbanda a DNB student who worked with her on “Multicentre study of a Lupus cohort” won 2 awards based chiefly on this work.
Papers Published:-
- “SLE with sickle cell / β0 thalessemia”: International Journal of Rheumatic Disease”, April 2008 Vol 11 P, P73 -76
- “Prior prophylaxis for steroid induced osteoporosis”, “Are we doing enough – An audit from a tertiary centre”? IJR Vol 5, Pagers 176-179
- “Acanthomoeha encephalitis in patient with SLE, India Emergency Infectious diseases”, Vol 12, No 6 June 2006
- “Surgically induced necrotizing scleritis after pterygium surgery”, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 55 2007 Issue 2 – Page 144 – 146
- “No cardiosis in a patient with common variable Immunodeficiency”, JAPI June 2006.
- “Late onset RA” – Editorial Vol, 49 March 2001 JAPI
- “Giant cell artertitis in Mumbai”. A study of 16 cases. December 2006 (Vol. 1, Issue 3, Pages 143 – 144)
- “Role of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis in rheumatoid arthritis”.
- Indian Journal of Rheumatology June 2007 (vol 2, Issue 2, Page 51 – 54)
- “Adult onset Still’s disease: a study of 14 cases’, (Clin Rheumatol (2008) 27: Pages 35 – 39).
- “Polymyositis and carpal tunnel syndrome in a patient of psoriatic arthritis with incidental dextrocardia and situs inversus – a case report”. JIRA, (Vol 9, No. 4, Dec 2001, pages 79 – 80).
- Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy Co-existence with Retinal Vasculitis and Pure Membranus Nephropathy”. JIRA, (Vol. 9, No.4, Dec. 2001, Pages 777 – 78).
- Pregnancy in Lupus – Analysis of 25 cases”, JIRA, Vol.9, No.4, Dec. 2001, JIRA, (Vol. 9, No.4, Dec.2001, Pages 69 – 71).
- “Biological Agents in Rheumatology”, The Journal of General Medicine, April – June 2002 (Vol 14 No. 2, Pages 61 – 64)
- “Dermatomyositis / Polymyositis (DM / PM)”, The Journal of General Medicine, (Vol. 16 No. 2, Pages 51 – 53).
- “HLA B27 subtypes in ankylosing spondylitis and their clinical co-relation” – Accepted for publication in International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases.
- “Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome – What new” – API Update - 2004
- Several articles in newspapers, magazines, talks on AIR, health related talk shows on television.
- Conducting good quality clinic research on various aspects of rheumatology and medicine.
- Participation in drug trials.
- Actively involved in setting up immunological investigations in the medical research laboratory.
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Head Of Department
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Search Keywords
arthritis, joint pain, ILD, intersetial lung disease