Professional Experience
Franzina Coutinho has done her PhD in Occupational therapy from Texas Womans University, USA with an emphasis on neurology and her Masters in Occupational Therapy , specializing in Neuropediatrics . She has since been Assistant Professor at McGill University, Canada and continues to be an Affiliate member in Mumbai.
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Occupational Therapist
PhD (Occupational Therapy); Affiliate Member : McGill University (Canada)
Areas of expertise
Her clinical work focuses on early intervention and creating intervention plans that promote therapeutic success through implementation of best practices.
Professional Affiliations
- Registered Occupational Therapist (USA)
- Registered Occupational Therapist (India)
Honours & Awards
- 2014/6 - 2015/6 Richard and Edith Strauss Canadian Foundation Edith Strauss Rehabilitation. Research Projects; PI: Coutinho F, Morin Chabane S; Feldman D; Laliberté M.
- 2012-2016 Institute for Health and Social Policy; PI: Hunt M; Co-Is: Bolduc ME, Coutinho F, Descoteaux N, Majnemer A, Thomas A, Venturini A. Supporting the training of rehabilitation providers in Haiti McBurney Professional Training Program.
- 2013 Working group: McGill University in collaboration with the Cree Health Board (CHB). Scoping the literature to review the current teaching models in place for rehabilitation workers.
- International Peace Scholarship: 2005 – 2006
- Awarded the Memorial Herman Memorial Volunteer Scholarship: 2004, 2005, 2006
- Texas Woman's University Student Scholarship: 2003-2006
- Merit Ranking in the 2nd year University Examination in 1998
- Mangharam, A. ; Rathod, S.; Coutinho, F. Parent narratives on receiving therapy for autism spectrum disorder in the Indian Context (International Developmental Pediatrics Association Congress, December 2017)
Coutinho, F. ; Mangharam,A.; Desai, N.; Udani, V. Media use in children with disability aged zero to eight years in the Indian Population (International Developmental Pediatrics Association Congress, December 2017)
Coutinho, F.; Mangharam, A.; Rao, K.; Matsui, M.; D'souza, A.; Factors affecting home programme implementation in Suburban Mumbai.
Coutinho,F. (2017) Two-dimensional Solutions in a Multi-dimensional World? A Commentary on "Effect of Touch Screen Tablet Use on Fine Motor Development of Young Children. - Coutinho,F, Bosisio, M.; Brown, E.,Rishikof, S.; Skaf,E.; Freedin,E.; Kelly, S.;Dahan-Oliel,N. (2017) Facilitators and Barriers to the use of iPads as a therapy tool: A canadian survey of pediatric Occupational Therapists. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools and Early Intervention. Accepted for publication.
- Coutinho,F, Bosisio, M.; Brown, E.,Rishikof, S.; Skaf,E.; Zhang, X.; Freedin,E.; Kelly, S.;Dahan- Oliel,N. (2016) Effectiveness of iPad apps on visual-motor skills among children with special needs between 4y0m–7y11m. Disability and Rehabilitation (2016).
- Murray, A.E; Arcuri, G.G.,; Silver, L.K.; McMullan, A.E.,; Dahan-Oliel, N.; & Coutinho, F. (2015) Perceptions of family-centered services in a pediatric rehabilitation program: Strengths and complexities from multiple stakeholders. Child: Care, Health & Development.
- Murray, A.E; Arcuri, G.G.,; Silver, L.K.; McMullan, A.E.,; Coutinho, F., & Dahan-Oliel, N. (2015) Pediatric family-centered services: Complexities of implementation and solutions from a knowledge translation and policy perspective. OT Now. (2016).
- Oskui, M; Coutinho, F; Dykeman, J; Jette,N; Pringshim, T (2013). An update on the prevalence of cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 55(6):509-19.
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