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Consultant - Paediatric Ophthalmologist, Squint Specialist and Neuro Ophthalmologist
DO, FRCS (Ophthalmology) (UK)
Areas of expertise
Exclusive practice of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Squint in adults. Refractive errors, Botulinum toxin for squint, Adjustable squint surgery for adults, Paediatric Cataracts, Paediatric Glaucoma, Droopy Eyelid (Ptosis), Lazy Eye (Amblyopia), Low Vision Aids (magnifying glasses) in children and adults, Tear Duct Obstruction Contact Lenses in children and infants Eye check for neurologically challenged individuals and those with learning disability.
Professional Experience and Training
- Consultant Paediatric Ophthalmologist at Wadia Children’s Hospital, Mumbai,
- Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Ocular Motility, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK
- Hybrid fellowship in Strabismus and Cataract at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK
- Fellowship in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK
- Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology at Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
- Basic Ophthalmology Training for 4 years at Aravind eye hospital, Madurai
Professional Affiliations
- Member, American Academy of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2008- 2010.
- Member, Bombay Ophthalmology Association
- Member, Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society
- Member, All India Ophthalmology Society
Research Experience
- Sub-editor in Paediatric Ophthalmology for the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Reviewer, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology since March 2006
- Associate Editor, Bombay Ophthalmic Association Journal (quarterly journal) for 6 months
- Co-investigator in a double blind, prospective trial on "Effect of 'safinamide' on involuntary movements" being conducted at the PD Hinduja hospital, Mumbai since Dec 2006.
- Case report on "Two siblings with Sarcoglycanopathy having progressive lamellar cataracts"
Conferences and Seminars:
- "Eye as a window to systemic diseases in children", Pediatric Clinic of India (in print).
- Guest editor to a full issue of Paediatric Clinics of India and author of "Paediatric cataracts" in the same issue on "Pediatric Ophthalmology" published in Sept 2008
- "The aetiology and management of long-lasting sixth nerve palsy in ophthalmoplegic migraine" published in Cephalalgia, March 2007;27(3):275-8
- "Does botulinum toxin have a role in the treatment of secondary strabismus" Strabismus. 2005 Jun;13(2):71-3.
- "Management of Fungal Endophthalmitis" Bombay Ophthalmic Association Journal (Oct - Dec 2001)
- Review of recent management of Ptosis Bombay Ophthalmic Association Journal (Oct - Dec 2001)
- “Stereopsis assessment in children”,Annual Bombay Ophthalmic Conference, October 2009,Mumbai.
- Conducted an Instruction course in “Prescription of glasses in children” at the All India Ophthalmology Society Conference”, Jaipur, Feb 2009.
- Moderator of the squint session of annual Bombay Ophthalmic Association conference held in Mumbai, Sept 2008.
- Poster on “Fresh frozen plasma an alternative treatment for Ligneous conjunctivitis” presented at annual conference of Indian Ophthalmologist association, Bangalore, Feb 2008.
- Lecture on “Evaluation of Squint in Children” at the annual Bombay Ophthalmic Association annual conference ,Mumbai, Sept 2007.
- Lecture on “Eye infections in children” at the annual conference of Pediatric Society of New Bombay,August 2007.
- Video on “Fixation sutures for long standing fixed divergent squints – a new technique” at the All India Ophthalmic Society annual conference,Jan 2007.
- Instruction course on “Strabismus” at the Maharashtra Ophthalmic Association annual conference, Oct 2006.
- Presented a paper on “Botulinum toxin in strabismus”at the annual Bombay Ophthalmic Association annual conference , Mumbai, Sept 2006.
- Poster on “6th Nerve Palsy a presenting feature of Glomus Jugulare tumor” at AAPOS 2004 in Washington DC with Mr John Lee, Moorfields Eye hospital, London.
- Presented the above case report as a paper at the ESA 2004 (European Strabismus Association) in Izmir, Turkey.
- Poster on “Botulinium Toxin in Secondary Squints” (Retrospective study of 500 patients) at AAPOS 2004 in Washington DC with Mr John Lee, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.
- “Clinical features and management of Ocular Adnexal Langerhans cell Histiocytosis” This paper was presented in part as a free oral paper at The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists 35th Annual Scientific Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2003.
- Presented a paper on “Periodic Alternating Gaze Deviation” at RANZCO Squint Club Meeting March 2003, Queensland, Australia.
- Tuberculous Uveitis – All India Uveitis Conference 2000, Madurai, India.
- Poster on F.E.V.R. – Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association conference in Dec 2000
- “Sturge Webers Syndrome- A series” presented at Grand Rounds in Sept 2000 at Aravind Eye Hospital Madurai, India.
- Video “Special technique of frontalis sling with fascia lata in a case of traumatic ptosis” presented at the All India Ophthalmic Society annual confererence Bangalore, Feb 2008.
- “Unique treatment of Ligneous Conjunctivitis with Autologous fresh frozen plasma as topical medication” as a poster presentation at the All India Ophthalmic Society annual conference held in Bangalore, Feb 2008.
- Invited as faculty by ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital (on board the ORBIS DC-10 flight (airplane) for a week long training program to Tanzania, Africa .He delivered 8 lectures and performed 6 operations as part of training the local Pediatric Ophthalmologists
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