Avail cashless hospitalization through your insurance provider.

P. D. Hinduja Hospital is empanelled with most of the reputed insurance providers. We also accept employer covered insurance services Cashless facility is subject to the conditions and terms in the policy.
In case of a planned admission, you would have first consulted a doctor who in turn would have advised you on the probable date of hospitalization. In such a case, you must apply for approval of the estimated hospital expenses directly by your TPA at least 4-5 days prior to the date of hospitalization.
In case you have not applied for pre-authorization sufficiently in advance or if the doctor treating you advises you to get hospitalized immediately after the consultation, our Corporate Help Desk (Phone: 022-24460649 / 24447543) will assist you through the preauthorization procedure. Normal working hours are from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Monday to Saturday and on Sunday /Hospital Holidays from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
However, the Corporate/TPA Help Desk is only a facilitator and can in no way influence the decision on the approval. Your TPA may not grant approval due to any of the following reasons:
- If the ailment for which you are hospitalized is not covered in your policy.
- If the information contained in pre-authorization form is insufficient to approve the request, though most of the time the TPA will request the hospital if additional information is needed.
- If you have exhausted the sum assured for that year.
The pre-authorization procedure is detailed below:
Step 1: Establish contact with the Corporate Help Desk at the hospital or please refer here for all the information related to cashless processing or reimbursement.
Step 2: Collect the pre-authorization forms pertaining to your TPA + TPA Checklist + TPA undertaking form from OPD Customer care help desk/ Doctor's secretaries / West block help desk or download all these forms. Please present your Health Insurance card for the staff to assist you appropriately.
Step 3: Form Filling - your pre-authorization form will have two sections-
General details on the health insurance policy - to be filled in by you (the TPA Help Desk will assist you in case you have any difficulty).
The treatment recommended for you - to be filled in and duly signed by the doctor who is treating you (Do not attempt to fill this section, contact the TPA Help Desk in case of any difficulty). TPA Checklist + TPA undertaking forms are self-explanatory.
Step 4: Return the completed form (filled and signed), along with the copies of the document mentioned in TPA check list to the TPA Help Desk/ ELSE make a single pdf file of all your documents (as per TPA checklist) and email to tpacell@hindujahospital.com, with subject as 'Patient's name, HH Number and mobile number'. The personnel at the desk will verify the form for its completeness and let you know in case of any discrepancy.
Step 5: Once the form is completely filled, the TPA Help Desk will upload the documents on the portal and transmit to the office of your TPA.
Step 6: The TPA Help Desk will revert to you with the approval/ denial status and also the status of approval is updated on registered mobile number, as well as on the display screen available near the TPA Help desk in the ground floor lobby.
Step 7: At the time of admission, you shall be required to pay differential amount of admission deposit and TPA approval. The differential amount would be refunded on discharge after receiving the final approval as per the final bill. A TPA deposit payment of Rs.7500/- has to be paid on admission, which shall be refunded post discharge, subject to completion of all formalities and payment received by the hospital, and may take 45-90 days.
For Pre-authorization procedure, please click here.
For FAQs, please click here.
Kindly contact the customer care help desk on the Ground floor, IPD building between 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM for any further information.
You shall be required to
- Settle the difference, if any, if your bill exceeds the designated insurance amount.
- Pay for all non-medical expenses as your policy will not cover them.
- Check all the bills and prescriptions for any medicine that is billed but not administered to you.
- Note the total amount of the bill for your records for future purpose.
- Submit all the medical documents including the lab reports, claim forms, discharge summary and final bill to the hospital before being discharged.
The hospital, then, submits all necessary documents to TPA. TPA processes the bill on the basis of eligibility and actual cost. TPA makes the claim payment to the hospital and / or patient (as per the policy terms and actual cost). You shall, then, be refunded the deposit amount of Rs 7,500 with deduction if any.
What if the cost for treatment exceeds the approved sum?
Generally the TPA only approves a part of the expenses of the treatment and only after the hospital sends the final bill along with the discharge summary and other reports does it approve the entire amount.Sometimes the hospitals will request the TPA to increase the amount approved if needed during the treatment.
Q 1) Which documents are required to process reimbursement?
A) Part A & Part B forms of respective Insurance Company
B) All original Investigation reports
C) Original Bills
D) Indoor Case Paper (if required)
For queries you may call 022-69248152/53 from 9am to 4pm
Q 2) Where is Part 'B' form available?
Please check your insurance company website or contact your Insurance agent.
Q 3) Part B form is filled by whom
Part 'B' is filled by the Medical Record Department after patient's discharge.
Q 4) Where is indoor case paper request form available?
It is available in the medical records department / also on hospital website.
Q 5) Which are documents required for Indoor case paper request?
Patient's signed consent letter/Indoor Case Paper request form with copy of Pan Card / Aadhaar Card / Driving License.
Q 6) Is there any charge for Indoor case paper set?
Yes, charges are applicable. Voucher can be made from any OPD cash counter.
Q 7) When shall I receive all Indoor Case Papers?
You can receive your Indoor Case Papers from the medical record department within 3 working days from the date of application.
We hope that this information helped you.
We wish you a speedy recovery.
P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mahim
In an emergency hospitalization, the important thing is to get the patient treatment at the earliest. The Corporate Help Desk will take up your case on a fast track basis with your TPA and is likely to receive approvals within 6 hours during any working day.
Step 1: Show your health insurance card and fill in the pre-authorization form.
Step 2: The Corporate /TPA desk in the hospital will fast track the process for your cashless process but in case you cannot wait for the approval, you can pay the deposit if demanded by the hospital and start the treatment and reimburse the expense later on.
Step 3: Generally the time to taken to process an emergency case is 6 hours, but will depend upon the insurance co / TPA. You need to follow up with the TPA to know the status of the request.
Click here to download TPA Checklist and TPA Undertaking Form.