P. D. Hinduja Hospital and MRC
invites you to
The 2nd ID CONCLAVE 2023
Date : Friday, 27th - Sunday, 29th October 2023
The ID Conclave aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation in the field of infectious diseases. We invite Clinicians, Microbiologists, Clinical Pharmacists, Post Graduate and Super-specialty Residents to the event. It promises to be an invaluable gathering of experts, professionals, and enthusiasts in the field of infectious diseases.
Program Agenda:
Friday, 27th October - General ID, Tropical Infections, TB diagnostics and treatment, Neurological/Neurosurgical Infections
Saturday, 28th October - Critical care and ID, Resistant Gram negative infections, Surgical Infections, Antimicrobial Stewardship practices
Sunday, 29th October - Immunosuppression and ID, fungal diagnostics, Vaccination in Immunocompromised
Poster rounds:
Selected Cases/Abstracts will be displayed during the conference.
Registration is a must for submission of Cases/Abstracts. (Last Date for submission of Abstracts is 25th October 2023)
Abstracts can be submitted to idconclave2023@gmail.com
|Submit as a word document, word limit 300-500, Font Arial, Font size 12. Include contact details of the presenting author.|
More details:
Candidates to make their own arrangement for accommodation
Applicable for MMC points. MMC points will be granted only on attending the entire conference.
For Inquiries: 022-244451515, Extn. 3204 OR email us at events.hindujahospital@gmail.com
Dr Camilla Rodrigues,
Dr Anjali Shetty
Dr Ayesha Sunavala
Dr Shaoli Basu
Dr Umang Agrawal
Dr Kruthi MK
Registration Details:
For Students -
- Early Bird (Before 7/10/2023) : Rs. 3000/-
- Before 26/10/2023 : Rs. 3500/-
- Spot Registration : Rs. 4000/-
For Consultants -
- Early Bird (Before 7/10/2023) : Rs. 5000/-
- Before 26/10/2023 : Rs.5500/-
- Spot Registration : Rs. 6000/-

Conference Hall,
4th Floor, OPD Building,
P. D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC
SVS Road,
Mahim West,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400016