Professional Experience
- Editorial Board - 2009 Asian Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry News, Jan 2009.
- Professional Practice in Clinical Chemistry - A Review and Update, Washington, DC, USA, April 2007
- Nominated as member of NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories)
- Accreditation Committee for Medical Laboratory Testing for 2 years, Jan 2006 - to date
- Auditor for College of American Pathologists, USA. Professional course, Jan 2006 - to date.
- Awarded Certificate by College of American Pathologists for Inspector Self-study e-learning CA.
- Observer during CAP inspection at Jackson
- Community Hospital Miami, Florida. in July 2005. Auditor for CAP in India, July 2005.
- Advisor, International Scientific Advisory Board of 'Analyte Notes' published by Becton Dickinson, June 2005 - to date
- Editor - Clinical Lab. Technology bimonthly publication which brings out the latest in Lab. Technology, August 2004-2005.
- Attended Advanced Course in Clinical Biochemistry by Association of Clinical Biochemists, UK at Reading organized by G. Challand, August'2001.
- Joint Director Dept. of Research, P.D. Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Center, Bombay, October'2000 to date.
- Head , Dept. of the Lab. Medicine Department, P. D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Center, Bombay, April 1999-to date.
- Associate Member of the Committee of Laboratory Assessment of Drugs of Abuse by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry, 1998-to date.
- Secretary, Indian Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology, 1997-to date.
- Vice President, Association of Medical Technology (Western India), 2003-to date
- President , Association of Medical Technology (Western India), 1995-2003
- Honorary Biochemist, Chemical Pathology Dept., Univ. College London Hospitals, London. U.K., 1993
- Executive Committee Member, Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, 1992.
- Advisory Board Member & Charter Member of International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology, 1991.
- Consultant Biochemist, In-Charge of Clinical Chemistry section at P. D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research center, Bombay, 1987-to date.
- Secretary, Association of Medical Technology (Western India), 1986-1996 .
- Biochemist (Res) and Consultant -In-Charge of Clinical Biochemistry section in Dept. of Pathology, Jaslok Hospital & Research Center Bombay, 1984-87.
- Postdoctoral fellow I at the Div of Cardiology, University of Connecticut Health Center, U.S.A. under Dr. Arnold M. Katz.
- Part time Consultant to Miles Laboratories, Dept. of Pharmacology ,Yale University, New Haven, CT, U.S.A. As Post Doctorate fellow.
- Worked with Dr. Biltzikien, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Cornell., New York 1982-84.
- Post-doctoral fellow in training at Dept. of Medicine, Div. of Cardiology, Univ. of Connecticut Health Center, U.S.A., under Dr. Arnold M. Katz. Also attended advanced courses in Biochemistry by Dr. M. Osborne and by Dr. O. Pappano conducted by Univ. of Conn., U.S.A, 1981-84.
- Predoctoral trainee for six months at Ciba Geigy Research Centre, Chromatography Division under Dr. T.G. Rajagopalan, 1979.
- Predoctoral trainee for two months at National Chemical Laboratories, Dept. of Biochemistry, Poona under Dr. V.Jagannathan, 1978.
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology at Dr. Steven Wongs Lab.
- Training for Toxi screening, Ansys, Irvine California.
- Molecular Biology Techniques - Department of Molecular Biology, 1990 University of Pittsburgh
- Inborn Errors of Metabolism at University of Pittsburgh
- Pharmacokinetics at University of Pittsburgh
- Routine Chemistries and Case studies at University of College of London.
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First name
Last name
Consultant Biochemist, Chief Of Labs (Admn), Director Lab Research
Ph.D., F.A.C.B,CSci., FACBI
Areas of expertise
Biochemistry, Toxicology, Pharmaogenomics
Professional Affiliations
Academic Affiliations
- University of Mumbai
- Recognized guide for both M.Sc. and PhD by Research in Applied Biology - University of Mumbai
- Referee for Ph.D thesis - University of Delhi
Affiliated to the Following Societies
- International Society for Heart Research, U.S.A.
- New York Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.
- American Heart Association, U.S.A.
- Society of Biological Chemists, India.
- Association of Clinical Scientists, U.S.A.
- American Association of Clinical Chemistry., U.S.A.
- International Society for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, U.S.A.
- Association of Clinical Biochemists. U.K.
- Association of Molecular Pathologists, U.S.A.
Academic Affiliations
- University of Mumbai
- Recognized guide for both M.Sc. and PhD by Research in Applied Biology - University of Mumbai
- Referee for Ph.D thesis - University of Delhi
Affiliated to the Following Societies
- International Society for Heart Research, U.S.A.
- New York Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.
- American Heart Association, U.S.A.
- Society of Biological Chemists, India.
- Association of Clinical Scientists, U.S.A.
- American Association of Clinical Chemistry., U.S.A.
- International Society for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, U.S.A.
- Association of Clinical Biochemists. U.K.
- Association of Molecular Pathologists, U.S.A.
Journal Referee
- National Medical Journal of India.
- Journal of Association of Physicians of India
- Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry.
- Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.
- Open Genomics Journal.
- Indian Council of Medical Research.
Over 200 national and international publications to her credit
- S.P.Todur, K.G.Nair, R. Mankeshwar, T.F.Ashavaid Genetic Basis of LDL and HDL Subfractions and Role of 5-LO Sp1 promoter Polymorphism in Indian Subjects. Poster Presented at Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference, Washington. D.C. Abstract no. P523, April 29-May 1, 2009.
- S.P.Todur, A.A.Kondkar, K.Shalia, J.J.Dalal, C.K.Pone, R.K.G.Nair, R. Mankeshwar, T.F.Ashavaid Association of Platlelet Gene Polymorphisms with coronary Artery Disease in the Indian Population Poster Presented at Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference, Washington. D.C. April 29-May 1, 2009. Abstract no. P413.
- T.F.Ashavaid, Rani Raghavan, Swarup Shah, Asha Kapadia, Sachin Almel and Devendra Desai. TPMT and DPD polymorphisms : Efficient screening method for Indian Patients considering taking Thiopurine and 5-FU drugs. Disease Markers, 27, 1 - 8, 2009.
- T.Ashavaid, H.Raje, K.Shalia, B.Shah 'Effect of Gene Polymorphisms on the levels of CNIs in Indian Renal Transplant Recipients', Accepted in Indian Journal of Nephrology, 2009.
- Tester.F.Ashavaid, Sucheta P.Dandekar, S.Khodaiji, M.H.Ansari, Adarsh Pal Singh Influence Of Method Of Specimen Collection On Various Preanalytical Sample Quality Indicators In EDTA Blood Collected For Cell Counting. Indian Journal of Biochemistry, 24(4) ,356-360, 2009.
- 188 Anita Rao, D. Shetty, T.F.Ashavaid, Ranjit Mankeshwar. Use of Non-fasting triglyceride levels in CHD risk stratification Oral Presentation in 35th Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India ,Kolkata. (ACBICON 2008), December 19-21st , 2008,
- 187 Shah Sudeep, Rani Raghavan, Devendra Desai, Phulerenu Chauhan, T.F.Ashavaid. An Indian Family of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1(MEN1): Molecular diagnosis, treatment and follow up. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, , Vol 27, (6),Page no.201- 203, Nov-Dec 2008.
- 186 Murali D Bashyam, Raman Ratheesh, Pandila Ramaswamy, E.Chandrakant Reddy, K. Viswakalyan, Ajay Chaudhary, Kevin Kwel, Jonathan R. Pollack, Anirban Maitra, Swarnalata Gowrishankar, Mukta Srinivasulu, RA Sastry, Mohana Vamsy, M. Lavanya, Anjayneyulu, Dsouza Shoba, TF Ashavaid. The Cancer Genome : A-ray of hope. Abstract Presented at Human Genome Meeting 2008, Hyderabad, India, Poster no. 253, September 27th- 30th 2008.
- 185 Rani Raghavan, T.F.Ashavaid. Cystic Fibrosis : Current Scenario Modern Medicare,Page no.90-91,October 2008.
- 184 T.F.Ashavaid, R.Raghavan Spectrum of CFTR mutations in Indian Cystic Fibrosis patients : Identification by SSCP - based screening protocols. Clinical Chemistry Page.A- 204.Vol.54, (6),Supplement June' 2008
- 182 AM Sawant, Dhanashri Shetty, R.Mankeshwar, Tester F Ashavaid. Prevalence of Dyslipidemia in Young Adult Indian Population JAPI Vol.56, Pg:99 -102, February 2008.
- 183 Tester F.Ashavaid, Sucheta P.Dandekar, BhaminI Keny, Vishaal Bhambhwani Influence of blood specimen collection method on various preanalytical sample quality indicators. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 23 (2) 144-149, 2008.
- 176. Karen M 'D'Souza, Tester F. Ashavaid Caprine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum isolation and biochemical characterisation with emphasis on Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemists of India 2007;Vol.22 No.1 Pg. 37-44.
- 177. Gokhale Nikhil, Dheari Alpa, Desai Harish, Ashavaid TF. Unusual dendritic keratitis Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol.55; Issue.1, 57- 59, 2007.
- 178. Rani Raghavan, Sudeep Shah, Altaf A.Kondkar, Alpa J.Dherai, Devendra Desai, Phulrenu Chauhan, Murad Lala and Tester F. Ashavaid. MEN1 935-1G>C Splicing Mutation in an Indian Patient with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1. Molecular Diagnostics Ther 2007; 11(2): 129-131 179. Karen M. D'souza and Tester F.Ashavaid Caprine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum : Effect of simulated ischemia on membrane structure and CA 2+ ATPase activity Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 2007, 22 (2) 84-89
- 180 T.F.Ashavaid, A.A.Kondkar, K.K.Shalia, S.P.Todur The Genetic Basis of Coronary Artery Disease in the Indian Population Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry , December 2007, Vol. 22 (Supl). 18S2.4 Page. 60. 181 Altaf A.Kondkar, Kappiareth G. Nair, Tester F.Ashavaid. Genetic Analysis of Indian subjects with clinical features of possible Type IIa Hypercholsesterolemia. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis Vol 21 / 6 : 375-381 (2007)
- 172. Rani Raghavan, Swarup Shah, Alpa J Dherai, Tester F. Ashavaid, Sachin Almel, Asha Kapadia Molecular Diagnosis of Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (DPD) Mutation Associated with 5 - Flurouracil (5-FU) Toxicity in cancer therapy. Presented in 33rd National Conference of Association Clinical Biochemists of India. 23rd - 26th November'2006. ,Pune , 70
- Anirudh Doshi, Priya Palan, Surekha Gaikwad, Alpa Dherai, T.F.Ashavaid. Clinical Laboratory Accrediation - Goal, Process, and Achievement Presented in 33rd National Conference of Association Clinical Biochemists of India. 23rd - 26th November'2006. ,Pune , 81
- Haresh A. Desai, Alpa J. Dherai, Tester F.Ashavaid. Hyperolinemia : A Case Report Poster presentation in 33rd National Conference of Association Clinical Biochemists of India. 23rd - 26th November'2006. ,Pune , 116
- 175. Swarup Shah, Rani Raghavan, Alpa Dherai, Tester F.Ashavaid, Sachin Almel , Asha Kapadia. Molecular Diagnosis of Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) Deficiency : Genetic Basis For 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP) Intolerance Poster presentation in 33rd National Conference of Association Clinical Biochemists of India. 23rd - 26th November'2006. ,Pune ,
- 170 K.Bhatt, C.Balakrishnan, G.Mangat, K. Bajan, T. Ashavaid, VR Joshi. Paget's Disease of the Bone : A Report of three Cases. JAPI. Vol.54, July'2006 171 Raje HS, Ashavaid TF, Shalia , Todur SP, Shah BV Gene polymorphisms and its impact on metabolism of Calcineurin Inhibitors (CNI) Indian Society of Nephrology West Zone Chapter , Annual Conference , September 22nd - 24th ,2006. Mount Abu, 43.
- 168 J.S.Morey, K.K.Shalia A.A.Kondkar, S.P.Todur, K.G.Nair, R. Rajani, C.K.Ponde, H.Mehta, J.J.Dalal, T.F.Ashavaid. Platelet receptor polymorphisms and the risk of sub acute thrombosis in Indian population. Journal of the Institute of Cardio Vascular Diseases ,Special Abstract Issue HeartResearch 2006, Vol - I , Number 1, Page. 56
- 169 S.P.Todur, A.A.Kondkar, K.Shalia, J.Morey, K.G.Nair, C.K.Ponde, R.Rajani, J.J.Dalal, H.Mehta, T.F.Ashavaid. Atherothrombotic risk of CHD in Indian population Published in Journal of the Institute of Cardio Vascular Diseases ,Special Abstract Issue Heart Research January ' 2006, Vol - I , Number 1, Page. 57
- Dr.T.F.Ashavaid Genetics Aspects of Coronary Heart Disease - Indian Scenario Presented at 32nd Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India - 2005 , at Patna. 18th - 21st December'2005.
- A.J.Dherai, H Desai, R.S.Sanghvi, TF.Ashavaid, N Gokhalay, N.Agarwala Tyrosinemia Type II - A case presentation Presented at 32nd Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India - 2005 , at Patna. 18th - 21st December'2005.
- A.J.Dherai, A.A.Kondkar,N.V.Dhavade,R.S.Sanghavi, T.F.Ashavaid LDL Subfractions in normal individuals Presented at 32ND Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India - 2005 , at Patna. 18th - 21st December'2005.
- T.F.Ashavaid, Symposium on Specimen Rejection - outcome of pilot study Presented at 32ND Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India - 2005 , at Patna. 18th - 21st December'2005.
- 155. Tester F.Ashavaid , Neena S. Kumbhat Isolation and Characterization of Mitochondria from Goat Hearts IJCB, 2005, 20 (1) 72-79.
- 156. Deepak Almeida, Camilla Rodrigues, Tester Ashavaid, Ajit Lalvani, Zarir Udwadia, Ajita Mehta. High Incidence of the Beijing Genotype among Multidrug-Resistant Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a Tertiary Care Center in Mumbai , India Published in Clinical Infectious disease 40:881-6 2005.
- 157. Farah Eghlim, Tester F.Ashavaid, K.G.Nair Genetic determinants of hyperhomocysteiemia in atherosclerosis. IJCB,2006 / 21 (2)4-11.
- 158. Tester F.Ashavaid, Altaf A. Kondkar, Alpa.J.Dherai, Rani Raghavan, Soonu Udani, Zarir F.Udwadia and Devendra Desai. Application of Multiplex ARMS and SSCP/HD analysis in Molecular Diagnostic of Cystic Fibrosis in Indian Patients. Molecular Diagnostics 2005; 9 (2) 59 - 66.
- 159. Tester.F.Ashavaid, Seema. P.Todur, Alpa J.Dherai. Establishment of Reference Intervals in Indian Population IJCB, 2005 ; 20 (2) 110-118.
- Tester F.Ashavaid, Altaf A.Kondkar, Seema P.Todur, Alpa J. Dherai, Jaysingh Morey and Rani Raghavan Lipid, Lipoprotein, Apoliprotein and Lipoprotein(a) Levels ; Reference Intervals in a Healthy Indian Population. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 2005; Vol 12 (5) 251-259.
- B.G.Keny, AJ Dherai, RS Sanghavi, TF. Ashavaid Proficiency Testing for Urinary Drug Screening Presented on TOXOCON - 1 , The Inaugural Conference of the Indian Society of Toxicology, 28th November'2005 , Cochin, Pg.23,
- A.B.Rao, AJ.Dherai, R.S.Sanhavi, S.Naik, T.F.Ashavaid. Retrospective Analysis of Urine Drug Screening. Presented on TOXOCON - 1 , The Inaugural Conference of the Indian Society of Toxicology, 28th November'2005 , Cochin, Pg.24.
- 154. A.J. Dherai, D.Noronha, T.F.Ashavaid, R.S.Sanghvi, S.S.Naik, B.Keny Urine Drug Screening - Ten years experience. Presented at 31st Annual National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India - 2004 , at Belgaum. 2nd - 4th December'2004. Diseases, 15th March '2005: 40:881 - 6.
- 144 TF.Ashavaid, FF.Eghlim, KK.Shalia, KG.Nair Genetic determinants of hyperhomocysteneimia Indian Journal of Cardiol 2004. 7; :62- 63
- 145 T.F.Ashavaid, Seema P. Todur, Alpa J. Dherai, S. Bawlekar Current Health Scenario - Adult Reference Values in Indian Population. Presented at 30th Annual Conference ACBICON 2004 , at Bangalore. (Abstract) 19th-22nd Jan, 2004.
- 146 T.F.Ashavaid, A.A. Kondkar, S.P. Todur, A.J. Dherai. Lipids, Lipoproteins and Apolipoprotein profiles in Healthy Indian Population Presented at 30th Annual Conference ACBICON 2004 , at Bangalore. 19th-22nd Jan, 2004, 76.
- 147 R.S. Sanghvi, A.J.Dherai, T.F.Ashavaid. Analytical Method for the Detection of Beta - 2 Transferrin. Presented at 30th Annual Conference ACBICON 2004 , at Bangalore. 19th-22nd Jan, 2004, 119.
- 148 Y.J.Fonseca, A.J. Dherai, T.F.Ashavaid, M. Kirtane. Significance of Beta-2 Transferrin Documentation in the Diagnosis of CSF Rhinorrhea. Presented at 30th Annual Conference ACBICON 2004 , at Bangalore. 19th-22nd Jan, 2004, 167.
- 149 H.A. Desai, S.S.Naik, R.S.Sanghavi, A.J.Dherai, T.F.Ashavaid. A Three Year Retrospective Data of Serum Protein Electrophoresis in a Tertiary Care Centre. Presented at 30th Annual Conference ACBICON 2004 , at Bangalore. 19th-22nd Jan, 2004, 178. 150. T.F.Ashavaid, S.P.Todur, A.J.Dherai. Health Status of Indian Population - Current Scenario JAPI Vol 52, May'2004 ,Pg 363-369, 151 T.F. Ashavaid, A.Kondkar, K.G.Nair. Genetic Basis of Familial Hypercholesterolemia in India. Presented at 10th APCCB at Perth. 18th - 23rd September'2004.
- 152 T.F. Ashavaid, A. Kondkar, K.G. Nair Lipoprotein(a) Levels, Apolipoprotein E4 and Hepatic Lipase Promoter Gene Polymorphism (-514C/T) in Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Presented at XV International Symposium Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism at Venice (Italy). 24th - 27th October'2004
- 153. A.J.Dherai, Mythili Kumar, T.F.Ashavaid pro-BNP - A preliminary evaluation in a tertiary care hospital. Presented at 31st Annual National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India - 2004 , at Belgaum. 2nd - 4th December'2004.
- 128 T.F. Ashavaid. Molecular Probes in Diagnosis. 29th Annual Conference of ACBICON-2003, Jaipur, February, 2003 ,
- 129 A. Doshi, A.J.Dherai, T.F. Ashavaid, S. Tapriwala, B.V.Shah, R.A.Sirsat. Implementing Neoral Cyclosporin (CSA) C2 monitoring a hospital laboratory. 29th Annual Conference of ACBICON-2003, Jaipur, February, 2003, 163.
- 130. A. Doshi T.F. Ashavaid, A.J.Dherai, , A. Puri, T. Nagvekar, N. Shinde. Significance of laboratory automation in a tertiary care hospital. 29th Annual Conference of ACBICON-2003, Jaipur, February, 2003, 164.
- 131 B.G. Keny, A.J.Dherai, N. Agarwala, T.F. Ashavaid, Biochemical composition of vitreous humor. 29th Annual Conference of ACBICON-2003, Jaipur, February, 2003,
- 132 R.Raghavan, Altaf A.K., T.F. Ashavaid., A.J.Dherai. Comparison of PCR-mediated site directed mutagenesis (PSM) and amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) to detect DF508 mutation system cystic fibrosis. 29th Annual Conference of ACBICON-2003,Jaipur, February,2003,
- 133 SP.Todur, AJ.Dherai, M.Kumar, T.F.Ashavaid Comparison of high sensitive C-reactive protein and troponin T in patients with coronary syndromes. Indian Journal of Cardiology. Vol.5. No.1-4 (34), February, Chandigarh'2003. 134 NS.Kumbhat, TF.Ashavaid. Effect of ischemia on mitochondrial lipids. Indian Journal of Cardiology. Vol.5. No.1-4 (35), February, '2003.
- 135 TF.Ashavaid, FF.Eghlim, KK.Shalia, KG.Nair Genetic determinants of hyperhomocysteneimia Indian Journal of Cardiology. Vol.5. No.1-4 (15), February, '2003.
- 136 AA. Kondkar, T.F. Ashavaid, KG.Nair Spectrum of LDLR mutations causing FH among Indians Indian Journal of Cardiology. Vol.5. No.1-4 (52), February, '2003.
- 137 AJ.Dherai, AA.Kondkar TF.Ashavaid Determination of low density lipoprotein subfractions in normolipemic individuals. Indian Journal of Cardiology. Vol.5. No.1-4 (17), February, ' 2003.
- 138 K D'souza, TF.Ashavaid Caprine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum: Biochemical characteristics and effects of stimulated ischemia. Indian Journal of Cardiology. Vol.5. No.1-4 (36), February, '2003.
- 139 TF.Ashavaid, AJ. Dherai, AA.Kondkar, R.Raghvan, SV. Udani, ZF. Udwadia, D.Desai Molecular Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis in Indian Patients - A Preliminary Report. JAPI Vol.51, 345-348, 2003.
- 140. Ashavaid TF, Shalia KK, Kondkar AA, Nair KG., Role of Genetics and Molecular Biology in Cardiology Newer Visions. The Journal of General Medicine, Vol.15 No.1., 21 - 25, 2003.
- 141. TF. Ashavaid, Seema P. Todur, KG. Nair Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism and Coronary Heart Disease JAPI Vol. 51 784 - 788. 2003
- 142. K.G.Nair, K.K.Shalia, T.F.Ashavaid, J.J.Dalal. Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, and Angiotensinogen Gene variants In Indian population. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 16: 1 - 7, 2003. 143 T.F.Ashavaid, F.F.Eghlim, K.K.Shalia, K.G.Nair Standardization of Homocysteine on HPLC using DTT as Reductant. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemists 2003, 18(2) 106-110.
- 120. Altaf A.K. , T.F. Ashavaid., K.G. Nair. Identification of a compound Heterozygote in a FH family of Indian Origin. ISHR, Indian Section, Annual meeting, February' 2002, Trivandrum, pg. 74. India.
- 121. F.F. Eghlim, K.K.Shalia, T.F. Ashavaid, K.G. Nair. Standardization of HPLC assay for plasma homocysteine in Indian Population. ISHR, Indian Section, Annual meeting , February' 2002, Trivandrum, pg.72 , India.
- 122. Karen D'Souza, T. Netticadan, T.F. Ashavaid. Characterization of the caprine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum under normal and in - vitro ischemic conditions. ISHR, Indian Section, Annual meeting , February' 2002, Trivandrum, pg. 74,75. I India.
- 123. K.K. Shalia, R. Raghavan, Altaf A.K., T.F. Ashavaid, K.G. Nair. Apo CIII promoter polymorphisms and low HDL levels in Indian population. ISHR, Indian Section, Annual meeting , February' 2002,Trivandrum, pg.72,73.
- 124. S.P.Todur, K.G. Nair, T.F. Ashavaid. Apolipoprotein E4 polymorphism and Lp(a) as risk factors for CHD. ISHR, Indian Section, Annual meeting , February' 2002, Trivandrum, 2002 , pg.73.
- 125 T.F. Ashavaid Gene polymorphism and Coronary Risk Factors. 9th APCCB and 28th Annual Conference of ACBI , March' 2002, pg 41, New Delhi, India.
- 126 T.F. Ashavaid, A.A. Kondkar , K.G. Nair. Homocysteine - its Clinical Implications Symposium "Studena" 2002, June, Sofia (Bulgaria).
- 127. T.F. Ashavaid, K.K.Shalia, A.A.Kondkar, S.P.Todur, K.G.Nair, S.P.Nair, "Gene Polymorphism and Coronary Risk Factors in Indian Population (Review) Clin Chem Lab Med, 40(10) 975 - 985, 2002.
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