Academic Qualifications
- Fellowship in Dermatopathology with Dr. A. Bernard Ackerman, at the Institute for Dermatopathology, Philadelphia, USA in 1997
- Diplomate of National Board (DNB) from National Board of Examinations, New Delhi in 1987
- M. D (Skin Diseases) from University of Bombay in 1986
- Diploma in Dermatology & Venereology (D.D.V) from College of Physicians & Surgeons of Bombay in 1986
- Diploma in Venereology & Dermatology (D.V.D) from University of Bombay, in 1984
- M. B; B, S from University of Bombay in 1982
Professional Experience
- Consultant in Dermatology, P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research centre since 2000
- Consultant in Dermatopathology, SRL Ranbaxy Laboratories, since 2003
- Assoc. Professor in Dermatology, Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, Byculla, Mumbai, 2009 Lecturer in Dermatology& STDs, B. Y. L. Nair Hospital & T. N. Medical College, 1994-1999
- Consultant Dermatologist, Sunitidevi Singhania Hospital, Thane, 1992-1993
- Medical Officer(Dermatology), Al Nahda Hospital, Muscat, Oman, 1987-1992
- Lecturer in Dermatology & STD’s, K. E. M. Hospital & Seth G. S. Medical College, 1987
- Registrar in Skin & STD’s, KEM Hospital & Seth G. S. Medical College, 1985-1987
- House Officer in Skin & STD’s, KEM Hospital & Seth G. S. Medical College, 1984-1985
- House Officer in Medicine, KEM Hospital & Seth G. S. Medical College, 1983-1984
Courses Attended
- Dermatopathology Vindaloo: 2 day course conducted by Dr. A. Bernard Ackerman at Mumbai, India. November 21 & 22, 2000.
- State level workshop on Immunofluorescence: Organized by L.T. M. G hospital Golden Jubilee Foundation, Bombay, India. February 21 & 22, 1997.
- A sweep through Dermatopathology: 3 day course conducted by Dr. A. Bernard Ackerman, at Bombay, India. November 20-22, 1996.
- Ist Workshop on Pulse therapy in Pemphigus & other diseases: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, October 7-9, 1996
- 6 day Dermatopathology Workshop: Bombay, India. October 1994. Faculty: Drs Martin Black, Eduardo Calonje, Balbir Singh Bhogal.
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First name
Last name
Consultant Dermatology
M.B.B.S., M.D., D.V.D., DNB
Areas of expertise
Clinical Dermatology, Dermatopathology, General Dermatology
Professional Affiliations
- Life member Indian Association of Dermatologists, venerologists and Leprologists.
- Life member of Indian Society of Pediatric dermatology.
- Life member of Cosmetology society of India.
- Founder member of Mumbai Dermatopathology society.
- Life member Member International society of Dermatopathology
Honours & Awards
Bishnupriya Devi Award for best original article for the paper: A new occlusive patch test system comparable to IQ and Finn Chambers. Shaziya Z. Sajun Merchant, Ashlesha D. Vaidya, Anjali Salvi, Rajiv Joshi, Rashmikant B. Mohile. Ind J Dermatol Venerol Leprol 2014; 80: 291-95.
Best Letter to Editor:
- Swiss Cheese appearance of dilated follicular infundibula in trichotillomania. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2014; 80: 257-258.
- Interface dermatitis without cornoid lamellae is a pitfall in the diagnosis of porokeratosis: A report of three cases. Ind J Dermatol Venerol Leprol 2016; 82: 70-72.
Conducted Teaching Programmes in dermatopathology
- Two day Dermatopathology course: held at Hotel Parle International, May 2016.
- Dermatopathology CME: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, 6th April, 2012.
- 7th Annual Dermatopathology programme: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, 2nd & 3rd October, 2010.
- Dermatopathology CME: Medical College Guwahati. April 3, 2010.
- Three day workshop in dermatopathology: Under auspices of Oman Medical Specialities Board, October 14 – 16, 2008, at Muscat, Oman.
- Sixth Annual Dermatopathology teaching programme: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, 5th Oct. 2008.
- Fifth Annual Dermatopatholoy teaching programme: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, 6th & 7th October 2007.
- Fourth Annual Dermatopathology teaching programme: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, 30th Sept & 1st Oct. 2006.
- Third Annual dermatopathology teaching programme: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, 1st & 2nd Oct. 2005.
- Second Annual dermatopathology teaching programme: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai. 2nd & 3rd Oct. 2004.
- Histopathology of inflammatory diseases: P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai. 3rd & 4th May 2003.
First Author
- Direct Immunofluorescence on skin biopsies in Lupus erythematosus:
- J Post Grad Med (Bombay) 1988; 34(3): 165-168.
- Cutaneous vasculitis with peripheral neuropathy:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 1995; 61: 173-175.
- Unilateral solar purpura as a manisfestation of asymmetrical photodamage in taxi drivers:
- Arch Dermatol 1996; 132: 715-716.
- Disseminate & Persistent Infundibulofolliculitis:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 1996; 62: 112-113.
- Simplifying the Ichthyoses:
- Dermatopathology Practical and Conceptual, 1998; Vol 4: No 2: Pg 145-147.
- Precision in language: letter to the editor
- Dermatopathology Practical and Conceptual, 1999; Vol. 5, No.2, Pg 175.
- Unusually rapid response in psoriasis treated with PUVA:
- Ind J Dermatol 1999; 44(2) Pg. 71-72.
- PUVA in pregnancy: Ind J Dermatol (accepted for publication)
- Follicular mucinosis in suspected leprosy:
- Ind J Lepr 2002; Vol 74 (4) 341-347.
- Immunopathogenesis of Psoriasis: Indian J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2004; 70: 10-12.
- Extrusion of sebaceous gland into a blister of pemphigus vulgaris: An unusual processing artifact. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2004;70:316-17.
- Squamous cell carcinoma in hypertrophic lichen planus:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2007; 73: 54-55.
- Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with follicular mucinosis:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2007; 73: 346-347.
- Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation with papillomatosis: Report of nine cases:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2007; 73: 402-405.
- Incidental finding of skin deposits of corticosteroids without associated granulomatous inflammation: Report of three cases.
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2008;74: 44 -46.
- Granular parakeratosis presenting with facial keratotic papules:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2008; 74: 53 -55.
- Stratum corneum findings as clues to histological diagnosis of pityriasis lichenoides chronica.
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2008; 74: 156 – 157.
- Treatment of actinomycetoma with combination of rifampicin and co-trimoxazole.
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2008; 74: 166 -168.
- U. B. Narayan Rao and the origins of the IJDVL:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2008, 74: 411-414.
- Moulages in dermatology-venereology. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2010; 76: 434-8.
- Moulages of J. J. Hospital: Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2010, 76: 583-588.
- IEMP or Acanthosis Nigricans: published as net case: Indian J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2010; Vol 76, No. 5.
- Plica Neuropathica following azathioprine induced pancytopenia: Int J Trichol 2010; 2: 110-12.
- Adamson’s fringe, Horatio George Adamson & Kligman’s experiments and observations on Tinea capitis: Int J Trichol 2011; 3: 14-19.
- The inner root sheath & the men associated with it eponymically: Int J Trichol 2011; 3: 57-62.
- Incidental Hailey-Hailey like acantholysis in a lesion of borderline tuberculoid leprosy. Indian Dermatol Online J 2011; 2: 109-10.
- Clues to histopathological diagnosis of treated Leprosy: Indian Journal Dermatol 2011; 56: 505-9.
- Venetian Blinds artifacts in dermatohistopathology: Indian Dermatology Online Journal 2012, 3: 59-61.
- Learning from eponyms: Jose Verocay and Verocay bodies, Antoni A and B areas, Nils Antoni and Schwannomas. Indian Dermatology Online Journal 2012; 3: 215-19.
- Verruciform Xanthoma: Report of five cases: Indian J Dermatol 2012; 57: 479-82.
- Interface Dermatitis: In Dermatopathology symposium. Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2013; 79: 349-59.
- Alopecia Mucinosa responding to anti-leprosy treatment: Are we missing something? Indian J Dermatol 2013; 58: 227-31.
- Spongiotic Intraepidermal blister: A pitfall in the histopathologic diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid. Ind J Dermatol 2013; 58: 410. (e correspondence)
- Pruritic Porokeratotic Peno-scrotal Plaques: Porokeratosis or porokeratotic epidermal reaction pattern? A report of 10 cases. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2014; 80: 24-8.
- Swiss cheese appearance of dilated follicular infundibula in Trichotillomania. Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2014; 80: 257-58.
- Learning from eponyms: George F. Odland and Odland bodies. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2014; 5: 334-8.
- Limitations of histopathology in diagnosis and management of patients with leprosy. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2014; 80: 389-91.
- Skip areas of retained melanin: A clue to the histopathological diagnosis of IGH. Indian J Dermatol 2014; 59: 571-4.
- Grover’s disease with acrosyringeal acantholysis: A rare histological presentation of an uncommon disease. Indian J Dermatol 2014; 59: 621-23.
- Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation: Ind J Pediatr Dermatol 2015; 16: 54-5.
- Peno-scrotal porokeratosis: A distinct entity. Ind Dermatol Online J. 2015; 6: 339-41.
- Pseudolipomatosis cutis: A singular dermal artifact. Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2015; 81: 504-5.
- Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation: A critical review of published literature and suggestions for revision of criteria for diagnosis. Ind J Dermatol Venerol Leprol 2015; 81: 576-580.
- Interface dermatitis without cornoid lamellae is a pitfall in the diagnosis of porokeratosis: A report of three cases. Ind J Dermatol Venerol Leprol 2016; 82: 70-72.
- Morphea like dermal sclerosis: A pitfall in the evaluation of persistent and residual lesions of treated leprosy. Ind J Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatol 2017; 4: 58-9.
- Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation in an Indian male. Ind Dermatol Online J 2018; 9: 64-65.
- Genito-gluteal porokeratosis: A clinical review. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 2018; 11: 219-229.
- Description of a proposed simple semi-objective histological scale for the assessment of dermal melanophages in inflammatory skin diseases. Ind J Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatol 2018; 5: 34-38.
- Dermal Melanophages: Is quantification necessary? Reply to letter. Ind J Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatol 2018; 5: 135.
- Comparison of topical methenamine, glutaraldehyde and tap water iontophoresis for palmo-palmar hyperhidrosis:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1995; 61: 346-348
- Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome:
- The Indian Practitioner Nov. 1996; Vol 49:No 11, Pg 931-934.
- Proteus syndrome:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1997; 63:44-46.
- Gorlin’s syndrome:
- Ind J Dermatol 1998; 43(4) Pg 175-178.
- PUVA in vitiligo: Comparison of 8 MOP & TMP:
- Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1998; 64: 176-179.
- Simplifying parapsoriasis:
- Dermatopathology Practical & Conceptual: 1998: Vol. 4, No. 3, Pg 209-211.
- Distinguishing Lichen scrofulosorum from Lichen nitidus:
- Dermatopathology Practical & Conceptual: 1999, Vol. 5, No. 1, Pg. 44-45.
- Syringocystadenocarcinoma Papilliferum: A case report of a rare skin adnexal tumour. Our Dermatol Online 2013; 4: 221-23.
- A new occlusive patch test system comparable to IQ and Finn chambers. Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2014; 80: 291-295.
- Nodular Erythema Elevatum Diutinum mimicking Kaposi’s sarcoma in a HIV infected patient. Indian J Dermatol 2014; 59: 592-94.
- Localized purpuric lesions in a case of classical Pityriasis Rosea. Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2014; 80: 551-3.
- Elastosis linearis rubra nasi: A new clinical entity in the spectrum of localized nodular elastosis. Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2015; 81: 62-4.
- Metastatic porocarcinoma. Ind J Dermatol Venereo Leprol 2015; 81: 210-13.
- Amyloidosis cutis dyschromia: A rare reticulate pigmentary dermatosis. Ind J Dermatol 2015; 60: 385-87.
- A descriptive study of facial acanthosis nigricans and its association with body mass index, waist circumference and insulin resistance using HOMA2 IR. Indian Dermatol Online J 2016; 7: 498-503.
- Multiple hypopigmented macules on face. Ind J Dermatol Venerol Leprol 2016; 82: 585-86.
- Leprosy Minutiae: Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. (1998)
Chapters in books
- Photochemotherapy in Vitiligo: In Dermatology Update. R. G. Valia, A. R. Valia, Eds.
- Bhalani publishing house, Mumbai, India. 1998: Pages 44-50.
- Histopathology in Vitiligo: In Vitiligo: A monograph and atlas. Vinay Saraf, Rui Fernandez, Kalpana Sarangi Eds.
- Viral STDs: In IADVL Textbook & Atlas of dermatology, 2nd Edition. Editors: R. G. Valia, A. R. Valia.
- Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India. Pgs. 1476-1491.
- The Th1-Th2 paradigm: relevance to dermatology: In Recent Advances in Dermatology Vol. 2, Ed. Sanjay Ghosh, Jaypee Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
- Parapsoriasis: Evolution of the concept and present understanding. In Recent Concepts in Dermatology: Eds. Ganguly Asok, Das Jayanta, Mitra Subhabrata. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
- History of Indian Journal of Dermatology Venereology and Leprology: In History of the IADVL Pgs 80-90.
- History of IADVL Maharashtra branch: In History of IADVL: Pgs. 169-174.
- Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP): A distinctive cutaneous drug eruption and an example of T cell mediated neutrophilic derrmatoses. In Continuing Education in Dermatology. Eds. Ganguly Asok, Das Jayanta. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.
- Follicular Tumors: In Hair and Hair Disorders: Diagnosis and Management. Eds Sacchidanand S, Savitha AS, Lakshmi DV. Jaypee The Health Sciences Publishers, New Delhi. 2015. Pgs 259-72.
Other Publications
- Sub-specialities in dermatology: Do we need them?
- Viewpoint: in What’s new in Dermatology: No 10, 1997.
- Pemphigus vulgaris & Foliaceous are one disease:
- Viewpoint: in What’s new in Dermatology: No 15, 1998.
- Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis:
- Ind J Ped Dermtol 1988; Vol.1
- Games Doctors play:
- Ind J Ped Dermatol 1998; Vol. 1, Pg 39-41.
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