- Gold Medalist,Ophthalmology F.C.P.S (Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons) Exam, 1999
- Awarded The Best Video Prize in Thematic Film (Trauma) Session at Sunayana 2007, the 65th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmologic Society,February 2007.
- Best Honorary Surgeon of the Year Award of Sir J.J. Hospital and Grant Medical College, 2009
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Consultant Ophthalmologist(Vitro-retinal Specialist)
M.S., D.N.B., F.R.C.S.(Edin),F.M.R.F.,D.O.M.S.,F.C.P.S., F.I.C.O.
Areas of expertise
Vitreo-retinal Diseases
Professional Affiliations
- Associate Editor, Journal of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society 2005 to 2009; Currently, Member, Editorial Board of the same Journal.
- Member, Managing Committee, Bombay Ophthalmic Association, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006.
- Reviewer, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
- Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
- Hon. Secretary, Bombay Ophthalmic Association, 2008-2009
- Hon. Joint Treasurer of Bombay Ophthalmic Association, 2009-2010
- Experience of 100 cases of Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) Under Topical Anaesthesia, Paper Presentation at Eye Advances 1996.
- Combined Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) with Trabeculectomy, Paper Presentation at Glaucoma Conference, Mumbai, 1999.
- Combined Vitrectomy with Trabeculectomy, Paper Presentation at Vitreoretinal Society of India (VRS) Annual Conference, Goa, 2001.
- Vitrectomy for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with Asteroid Hyalosis, Paper Presentation at Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association (TNOA) Annual Conference, Trichy, 2002.
- Poster titled “Role of Vitrectomy and Silicone Oil in the Treatment of complicated Retinal Detachment following Acute Retinal Necrosis” at the International Conference of SERI-ARVO held in Singapore, 2003.
- Experience of 100 cases of Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) Under Topical Anaesthesia, Paper Presentation at Eye Advances 1996.
- Combined Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) with Trabeculectomy, Paper Presentation at Glaucoma Conference, Mumbai, 1999.
- Combined Vitrectomy with Trabeculectomy, Paper Presentation at Vitreoretinal Society of India (VRS) Annual Conference, Goa, 2001.
- Vitrectomy for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with Asteroid Hyalosis, Paper Presentation at Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association (TNOA) Annual Conference, Trichy, 2002.
- Poster titled “Role of Vitrectomy and Silicone Oil in the Treatment of complicated Retinal Detachment following Acute Retinal Necrosis” at the International Conference of SERI-ARVO held in Singapore, 2003.
- Paper titled “4-point Scleral Fixated Intraocular Lens” at the Annual Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society (MOS) Conference at Shirdi in December 2004. The paper was awarded the Pandit Award for the best scientific paper
- Presentations at Annual Bombay Ophthalmic Association (BOA) Conference – Focus 2005 held in December 2005 at Hyatt Hotel, Mumbai:
- Video presentation on Intraocular Foreign Body-Challenging cases
- Took part in Instruction Courses on:
- Post-operative Endophthalmitis
- Diabetic Macular Edema
- Scientific Free Paper Presentations:
- As first author: Laser drainage of SRF for Scleral Buckling surgery
- As second author:
- ROP Screening and Management
- CSR following systemic steroids in a case of Optic Disc Pit- A Case report
- Video on Ideal Bimanual Vitrectomy Technique for Advanced PDR at the International Vitreoretinal Meet on Diabetic Retinal Diseases conducted by Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya in Guwahati, Assam ,2006
- Presented the following Videos at the the 65th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, February 2007, in Hyderabad:
- Ideal Bimanual Vitrectomy Technique for Advanced PDR
- b.Surgical Removal of Intraocular Foreign Body from within the Optic Nerve head – This video won the Best Video Award in the Thematic Film Category
- Presented the following at Eyeinfo 2008, The 66th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, February 2008,Bangalore:
- Poster: Iodine-125 Plaque Brachytherapy for Choroidal Metastasis – Our Initial Experience
- Free Paper: 23 Gauge Sutureless Lens Sparing Vitrectomy For Stage 4 Retinopathy of Prematurity
- Video Presentation: Dual Use Triamcinolone In Macular Hole Surgery
- Conducted The Retina Quiz for Postgraduates at the BOA Retina CME ,June, 2008, Mumbai.
- Organizing Secretary ,The 16th Annual Conference of BOA-Eye Trek Focus 2008 ,Mumbai
- Spontaneous recovery of vision following accidental intraocular injection of depomedrol - Unusual Case Report - Biswas J, Samant PM, Bassi S, Gopal L, Ocular Inflammation To-day (Newsletter from The international Ocular Inflammation Society), January 2000, Vol.1, No.1, 10.
Computer Vision Syndrome. – Menon S., Samant P., Kadekar A. Journal of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society, Vol. 1 Issue No. 3 page 31
4 Point Trans-scleral Fixation of IOL (SFIOL) – Samant P. Journal of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society, Vol. 1 Issue No. 1 page 47
Glaucoma: Questions most frequently asked in clinical practice. – Samant P., Morekar S., Nayak B.K. Journal of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society, Vol. 2 page 12
Prophylaxis of Retinal Detachment – Samant P., Kadekar A. Noida Journal Of Ophthalmology, Oct-Nov. 2005, Vol.2 No. 4 page 19
Photodynamic Therapy with Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide – A New Horizon in the Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration – Kadekar A., Samant P. Journal of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society, Vol. 2 page 77
Triamcinolone Assisted Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling in Macular Hole Surgery – Samant. P et al. Journal of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society, Vol. 3 Issue 2 page 47
Chapters in Books Published
- Author of Textbook titled “Ophthalmology Theory And Practical” (D.K. Series).
- Co-Author of an Atlas on Fundus Fluorescein Angiography , Jaypee Brothers for Sankara Nethralaya(Chennai).
- Contributed a Chapter titled “Pediatric Visual Electrophysiology Tests” in the book “Surgical and Medical Management of Pediatric Ophthalmology” by Dr. Ashok Garg et al.
Conferences and Seminars
- IOFB Challenging Cases during the 60th Annual Conference of The Delhi Ophthalmologic Society, 2009.
- IOFB Challenging Cases at Asia ARVO 2009, the International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology,Hyderabad.
- “Etiopathogenesis of Retinopathy of Prematurtiy” at the ROP Workshop conducted by BOA and Bachooali Eye Hospital,Mumbai ,2009.
- Talk on “Retinopathy of Prematurity – All we need to know” at the First Annual Congress of Kolkata Academy of Ophthalmology.
- Performed Live Retina Surgery at the Maharashtra Ophthalmology Society Live Retina Surgery workshop, Mumbai, 2008.
- IOFB Challenging Cases during the 60th Annual Conference of The Delhi Ophthalmologic Society, 2009.
- IOFB Challenging Cases at Asia ARVO 2009, the International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology,Hyderabad.
- “Etiopathogenesis of Retinopathy of Prematurtiy” at the ROP Workshop conducted by BOA and Bachooali Eye Hospital,Mumbai ,2009.
- Talk on “Retinopathy of Prematurity – All we need to know” at the First Annual Congress of Kolkata Academy of Ophthalmology.
- Performed Live Retina Surgery at the Maharashtra Ophthalmology Society Live Retina Surgery workshop, Mumbai, 2008.
- Faculty and gave a talk on “Role of FFA in Dry AMD” South Asian Academy of Ophthalmology and 3rd Indian AMD Congress held from ,New Delhi.
- Faculty and gave a talk on “Caution with Anti-VEGFs” in the BOA Retina CME in Mumbai.
- Faculty at CME on “Ocular Trauma” organized by Shri Ganapati Nethralaya, Jalna in Collaboration with ORBIS and under the aegis of MOS on 13th January 2008 – Gave a talk on “Managing IOFBs”
- “Newer Treatments in ARMD” during Posterior Segment Workshop ,Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya (SNC) Uttar Pradesh ,2007.
- “Avastin: Role in Today’s World” at the Retina CME organized by Bombay Ophthalmic Association at Tata Memorial Hospital on 22nd July 2007.
- At the Annual Conference of Maharashtra Ophthalmology Society, Kolhapur ,2006:
- Was part of the Instruction Course on Diabetic Retinopathy
- Gave a talk on Comparing 20g/23g/25g Vitrectomy techniques
- Presented 3 videos on various vitreoretinal surgeries
- Angio-occlusion: A refreshing look at the Mechanism Of Action of Verteporfin in PDT at The National AMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration) Congress ,Mumbai, 2006.
- Role of Triamcinolone in vitreous surgery,Macular hole surgery – Dual Use IVTA,Bimanual Vitrectomy Technique For Advanced PDR - 4 Less 1 Technique, Eye Advance 2006 Conference .
- “Diabetes and the Eye” during the Seminar on Diabetes for IMA State Branch CGP Subfaculty, P.D. Hinduja Hospital, 2006.
- Performed Live Surgery and lecture on “Diabetic Retinopathy” during Posterior Segment Workshop , Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya ,Uttar Pradesh ,2006.
- Screening and Lasers in Retinopathy of Prematurity at the Retina CME ,Ganapati Nethralaya ,Aurangabad ,2006
- Recent Advances in Vitrectomy Techniques at the Retina Symposium conducted by Bombay Ophthalmic Association, 2006.
- Retinoblastoma at the CME Course on Pediatric Ophthalmology organized by Bombay Ophthalmic Association,2006
- Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors (VEGF) in Diabetic Retinopathy at the International Vitreoretinal Meet on Diabetic Retinal Diseases ,Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya in Guwahati, Assam ,2006
- Lecture on “Transpupillary Thermotherapy in ARMD” at Annual Bombay Ophthalmic Association (BOA) Conference – Focus 2005, December 2005, Mumbai.
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Retina Disorders