Professional Experience
- Dr. Nina Madnani is a practicing Dermatologist and the Senior Consultant and Department Coordinator at Hinduja Hospital, Mahim, Mumbai.
- Her expertise has been augmented by observerships and training in Clinical Dermatology under Dr Anthony du Vivier(UK), Dr Cronin (UK), and in Aesthetic dermatology under Dr Don Groot (Canada), Dr Kent Heinz (Canada), Dr Jeya Prakash (UK), and been an invited speaker at various local and international forums.
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Consultant Dermatologist, Aesthetic Dermatologist, Hair Specialist and Vulvologist
M.D., D.V.D., F.A.A.D., F.I.S.S.V.D.
Areas of expertise
Acne, Hair Problems, Vulvar Diseases.
Professional Affiliations
- Dr. Madnani is Life Member of various associations both national and international.
- She is the only Fellow from India of the International Society for the Study of Vulvo-Vaginal Diseases (ISSVD.
- She is invited speaker on Vulvar disease forums at International Conferences.
- Member - Indian Acne Alliance India.
- Founder Member -“Indian Academy of Aesthetic Dermatology” (IAAD), the academy holds “hands-on” training workshops for young dermatologists in India. She is also an Hon. Visiting Dermatologist to Vatsalaya, a home for street children.
Honours & Awards
- Awarded the Systopic Oration at IADVL National Conference by IADVL Central Scientific Committee for her work "Vulvar Disease in India-A cry for help" in Vulvar Disease.
- Dr. Madnani has been a recipient of several awards at Local and National Conferences, and was awarded with the title “Best Practicing Dermatologist” Award (Maharashtra) thrice.
- Also, she recieved an award for the Dr. Rege Oration from Goa, her topic being Medical management of Melasma.
Dr. Madnani has been a contributing author in several textbooks like Clinical Images in IADVL Textbook of Dermatology, Clinical Images In Atlas Of Rheumatology by Dr VR Joshi, has co-authored the monogram on “Hirsutism”, and authored 2 chapters in the Textbook on Gynecology and Adolescent Medicine.
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