First name
Last name
Research & Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab Physiotherapist
B.P.T., M.P.T. (Masters in Cardiovascular & Respiratory Sciences of Physiotherapy- KEMH), M.I.A.P.
Areas of expertise
• Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Professional Experience and Training
Professional Experience
- Research & Pulmonary Physiotherapist (Part time) at P.D. Hinduja National Hospital & MRC, Mahim, Mumbai (May 2011 till date)
- Research Assistant for Dr. Ashok Mahashur: Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on BODE Index & SGRQ Score in Stable COPD Patients
- Research Assistant for Dr. Zarir F. Udwadia: Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in ILD patients
- Rehabilitating ILD: Challenges & Solution –Pulmonary Rehabilitation Workshop For Indian Association of Physiotherapists, Mumbai Branch, Resource person (Nov 2016)
- Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on BODE Index & SGRQ Score in Stable COPD Patients – Paper presentation at COPD update for McGill faculty at P.D. Hinduja National Hospital (Sept 2016)
- Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in ILD patients – Co-authored for Poster in ATS (May 2015)
- Patient education in Pulmonary Rehabilitation –Pulmonary Rehabilitation Workshop at Terna Physiotherapy College, Resource person (Apr 2015)
- Chairperson of the Question Paper Setting Committee for Master of Physiotherapy program of NMIMS University (2014 –till date)
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation in ILD patients – 8th National Respiratory Update for Chest Physicians at P.D. Hinduja National Hospital (Nov 2014)
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation in ILD patients – 17th Respimirror Chest Research Foundation article (October 2014)
- Struggling to breathe – 16th Respimirror Chest Research Foundation article (July 2014)
- Exercise as Medicine: For Lung Patients webinar (July 2013)
- Public awareness program “People with lung diseases” (Jan 2013)
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation for first lung transplant in Mumbai (July 2012)
- Cardio-pulmonary Physiotherapist at Dr. Balabhai Nanavati Hospital’s Sports and Rehabilitation Centre, Vile Parle, Mumbai under the guidance of Dr. Ali Irani (July 2010 – April 2011).
- Presented a CME on Airway Clearance Techniques via Telemedicine for pan African countries (April 2011)
- Presented a CME on Cardiac Rehabilitation via Telemedicine for pan African countries (August 2010)
- ICU’s (Cardiac, Respiratory, Neonatal, Medical & Surgical ICU’s) exposure alongwith Cardiac, Respiratory, Orthopedic and Neurology IPD & OPD during Masters Schedule in Seth G.S.M.College & K.E.M. Hospital,Parel, Mumbai (September 2007- June 2010).
- A Retrospective Analysis on Correlation between Percent predicted walk distance and Oxygen saturation change in PTB patients as Post Graduation Paper session at G.S.M.C. & K.E.M. Hospital Staff Society Meeting (2010).
- Consultant Physiotherapist at Dadasaheb Sarfare Arogya Kendra, Naigoan, Mumbai (May 2008 – July 2008).
- Consultant Physiotherapist at Dr Gandhi’s Physiotherapy Clinic, Panvel (November 2007 – April 2008).
- Rotatory Internship for 6 months at Pad.Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical College, Kolhapur (September 2006- March 2007).
Conference, Workshops & CME attended:
- CPR training as per new American Heart Association 2010(AHA) BLS,ACLS & PALS Guidelines organized by P.D. Hinduja hospital, Mahim, Mumbai (September 2013, 2015)
- Novel Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients With COPD (November 2012), Medscape CME
- Integrated National Level Conference On Pulmonary Rehabilitation organized by Navale Medical College & General Hospital, Pune (October 2012)
- International workshop on exercise testing and prescription organized by Manipal college of allied health sciences, Manipal (August 2012)
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation CME organized by CHEST, Mumbai (September 2011)
- Cancer rehabilitation organized by Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai (December 2010).
- Basic Cardiac Life-support Course based on the American Heart Association Guidelines, Mumbai (February 2010).
- ISECON 2010 (Annual Conference of Indian Society of Electrocardiology) pre- conference workshop on ECG, Mumbai (February 2010).
- Health Sciences Educational Technology organized by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Pune (February 2010).
- Advancing Care to Peripheral Vascular Disease organized by Indian Association of Physiotherapists, Mumbai (September 2009).
- WCPT - AWP and IAP CONGRESS, Mumbai (January 2009).
- World TB Day CME, Mumbai (March 2008).
- KNOSPE-2007, a State level Physiotherapy Conference, Karad (March 2007).
- Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Special Techniques, Kolhapur (June 2006).
Professional Affiliations
Maharashtra State OTPT Council
- Indian Association of Physiotherapists
Honours & Awards
- Research with Dr Ashok Mahashur: Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on BODE Index & SGRQ Score in Stable COPD Patients (2013-Present)
- Research with Dr Zarir Udwadia: Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in ILD patients (2012-2013)
- Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in ILD patients – Co-authored for Poster in ATS (May 2015)
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation in ILD patients – 17th Respimirror Chest Research Foundation article (October 2014)
- Struggling to breathe – 16th Respimirror Chest Research Foundation article (July 2014)
- Public awareness program “People with lung diseases” (Jan 2013)
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation for lung transplant for Multi-Disciplinary Lung and Heart Transplantation Meeting (2012)
Presented a CME on Airway Clearance Techniques via Telemedicine at International level (2011)
- University Merit Holder for Masters of Physiotherapy
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