First name
Last name
Consultant - Clinical Genetics
M.B.B.S, M.D.
Areas of expertise
Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Newborn Screening, Prenatal Diagnosis, Genetic Bone Disease, Congenital Malformations, Chromosomal Anomalies
Professional Experience and Training
Professional Experience
- Pediatrics, MD, University of Bombay, 1994
- Pediatrics, Diploma in Child Health (DCH), College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1993
- MBBS, University of Bombay, 1989
- 16 years in Clinical Genetics
- 6 years: Lecturer in Pediatrics, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital
- 10 years: Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital
- Study of Malformations and Down Syndrome in India (SOMDI), Multicentric study, Research Scientist, Department of Atomic Energy. Bombay (1994 – 1995).
- Sub-investigator, Phase IV open, multicentric post-marketing study to assess immunogenicity and reactogenicity of Glaxo Smith Kline Biologicals’ combined diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis-Hepatitis B/ Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (TRITANRIX TM –HB/ Hib) injected in healthy infants previously primed at birth with hepatitis B vaccine
- Saliva as a non-invasive matrix for therapeutic drug monitoring of digoxin in children, Indian council of Medical Research Short Term Research Studentship
- Sub-Investigator: A Multicentric randomized single blind three arm study to compare the immunogenicity and safety of indigenously developed DTPwHB-Hib (Liq) pentavalent combination vaccine with easyfive (Liq) and Tritanrix + Hiberix (Lyo) in Indian Subjects, Shantha Biotechnics Ltd, Hyderabad, India
Ongoing Research Projects
- Principal Investigator (From November 2010 onwards), Co-Investigator (March 2007 to October 2010): Indian Council of Medical Research – Task force on inborn metabolic diseases project on “Newborn Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism & Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia: A Multicentric Study”
- Principal Investigator, A Phase 3, Randomized, Multi-Center, Multi-National, Double-Blind Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Once Daily Versus Twice Daily Dosing of Genz-112638 in Patients With Gaucher Disease Type 1 Who Have Demonstrated Clinical Stability on a Twice Daily Dose of Genz-112638 (EDGE)
Postgraduate students Projects
- Clinical features and biochemical abnormalities in Pediatric Wilson disease, January 2004 U. Kabade MD
- Etiology of quadriplegia/paraplegia in the era of polio eradication, January 2005 S. Murade MD
- Osteoporosis and Vitamin C deficiency in transfusion dependent ? – thalassemia major, January 2005 C. Warake MD
- Psychological consequences in Pediatric intensive care unit survivors, January 2005 S. Birajdar MD
- Study of leukodystrophies, S. Rane FCPS
- Variability of phenotypic features in trisomy 21: Effect of parent of origin, January 2006 T. Chaudhuri MD
- A study or organic acidemias at a genetic clinic: Myths and realities, April 2007 R. Agarwal MD
- Missed opportunities for immunization in children availing indoor services in an urban tertiary health care centre, April 2008 C. Mehta MD
- Blame and causal attribution for the birth of a child with Down syndrome, May 2009 S. Budyal MD
- Adverse reactions and their economic burden in the Pediatric intensive care unit P. Kumar MD
- Economic burden of birth defects on the health care system at an urban tertiary health care system Vijayalakshmi P MD
- Determination of beta galactosidase and arylsulfatase A from cultured human fibroblasts: Comparison with enzyme activity in human leukocytes M. Morajkar MSc in Applied Biology
- Quality of life in children undergoing non-surgical intervention for congenital heart diseases (On-going) P Bansal MD
- Optimal breast feeding practices – Are they a myth or reality Madhusudan MD
- Determination of hexosaminidase activity in cultured human fibroblasts R. Joshi MSc in Applied Biology
- Mucopolysaccharidosis: A study of clinical features and complications S. Mallakmir Fellowship in Clinical Genetics
- Alavi S, Kher A, Kumar A, Muranjan M, Bharucha B. Cohen Syndrome. Indian Pediatr 1993,30(5): 678-681.
- Muranjan MN, Mordekar SR, Bava HS, Alavi S, Kher AS, Nadkarni UB, Kamat JR. Cyproheptadine in severe anorexia. Indian Pediatr 1994,31(11): 1429-1430.
- Muranjan MN, Kher AS, Nadkarni UB, Kamat JR. Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome with clinical Hypothyroidism. Indian J Pediatr 1995,62(2): 233-235.
- Tullu M, Muranjan MN, Sharma SV, Sahu DR, Swamy SR, Deshmukh CT, Bharucha BA. Cri du Chat Syndrome: Clinical profile and Prenatal diagnosis. J Postgrad Med 1998, 44(4): 101 - 104.
- Bavdekar SB, Muranjan MN, Patankar T, More V, Jain MK. MRI in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis following first generation anti-rabies vaccine administration in a child. Rivista di Neuroradiologia 1999; 12(3): 467 – 469.
- Muranjan MN, Gurav M, Surve T, Deshmukh CT, Bharucha BA. Familial Glucocorticoid deficiency, Alacrimia and Achalasia - Allgrove syndrome. Indian J Pediatr 1999,66(1): 151-154.
- Shaharao V, Shah I, Mishra P, Muranjan MN, Bharucha BA. Osteoporosis Pseudoglioma Syndrome. Indian Pediatr 1999,36(3): 313-315.
- Muranjan MN, Bharucha BA, Kirtane MV, Deshmukh CT. Mondini dysplasia of the inner ear with CSF leak - a rare cause of recurrent meningitis. Indian Pediatr 1999,36(4): 401-406.
- Surve T, Muranjan MN, Deshmukh CT, Warke C, Bharucha BA. Inflammatory linear verrucuos epidermal nevus syndrome with bilateral vertebral artery occlusion. Indian Pediatr 1999, 36(8): 820 - 823.
- Muranjan MN, Deshmukh CT. Acute transverse myelitis - a rare manifestation of severe hemophilia. Indian Pediatr 1999, 36(11): 1151 - 1153.
- Tullu M, Arora P, Deshmukh CT, Muranjan MN, Bharucha BA. Benzathine Penicillin induced immune hemolytic anemia. J Postgrad Med 1999, 45(2): 58 – 59.
- Mishra P, Muranjan MN, Bharucha BA. Autosomal Dominant Ectrodactyly with Sensorineural Deafness. Clinical Dysmorphol 2000; 9(2): 119 – 121.
- Muranjan MN, Bavdekar SB, More V, Deshmukh H, Tripathi M, Vaswani R. Study of Takayasu’s arteritis in children: clinical profile and management. J Postgrad Med 2000; 46 (1): 3 – 8.
- Tullu M, Muranjan MN, Kondurkar P, Bharucha BA. Krabbe Disease– Clinical Profile. Indian Pediatr 2000; 37(9): 939 – 946.
- Tullu M, Muranjan MN, Sonawne S, Khubchandani S, Deshmukh CT, Bharucha BA. Dorfman - Chanarin Syndrome: A Rare Neutral Lipid Storage disorder. Indian Pediatr 2000, 37(1): 88 – 93.
- Dubey R, Bavdekar SB, Muranjan MN, Joshi A, Narayanan TS. Intestinal Giardiasis: An unusual cause of Hypoproteinemia. Indian J Gastroenterol, 2000 Jan-Mar, 19(1): 38-39.
- Muranjan MN, Bharucha BA. Unusual hand malformations with cardiac defects - a variant of Heart Hand Syndrome IV. Indian J Pediatr, May 2000; 67(5): 392 - 394.
- Tullu MS, Muranjan MN, Kantharia VC, Parmar RC, et al. Neurofibromatosis – Noonan Syndrome or LEOPARD Syndrome. A clinical dilemma. J Postgrad Med 2000; 46(2): 98 – 100.
- Parmar RC, Bavdekar SB, Muranjan MN, Limaye U. Chorea: An unusual presenting feature in Pediatric Moyamoya disease. Indian Pediatr 2000;37(9): 1005 – 1009.
- Tullu M, Muranjan MN, Deshmukh CT. Comments on Jordans’ Anomaly Indian J Pediatr 2000; 67(9): 703. (Letter to Editor)
- Parmar RC, Bavdekar SB, Huilgol R, Muranjan MN. Nephritis and cerebellar ataxia: rare presenting features of enteric fever, J Postgrad Med 2000; 46(3): 184 – 186.
- Muranjan MN, Nirmala S, Bharucha BA. Carpal-tarsal osteolysis in monozygotic twins with a new finding. Clinical Dysmorphol 2001; 10(4): 281 – 283. (LETTER TO EDITOR)
- Muranjan MN, Kondurkar P. Clinical Features of Organic Acidemias: Experience at a Tertiary care center in Mumbai, Indian Pediatr 2001; 38(5):518-524.
- Muranjan MN, Kantharia VC, Bavdekar SB, Ursekar M. Glutaric Acidemia Type I, Indian Pediatr 2001; 38(10): 1148 - 1154.
- Fernandez D, Muranjan MN, Bavdekar SB, Kantharia VC, Shenoy A. Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma. Indian Pediatr 2001;38(3): 297 – 300.
- Parmar RC, Bavdekar SB, Borwankar SS, Muranjan MN, Shenoy A. Infantile Hemangioendothelioma. Indian J Pediatr 2001; 68 (5): 459 – 461.
- Tullu M, Arora P, Parmar RC, Muranjan MN, Bharucha BA. Ovarian Dysgenesis with Balanced Autosomal Translocation. J Postgrad Med 2001;47: 113 – 115
- Parmar RC, Bavdekar SB, Muranjan MN. Measles encephalitis: A report of two cases with variable manifestations. Pediatr International 2002; 44: 90 – 92.
- Muranjan MN, Kantharia VC, Bavdekar SB, Kabde U, Parmar RC. Neonatal Bartter Syndrome. Indian J Pediatr 2002; 69: 105 – 107.
- Parmar RC, Bavdekar SB, Goel A, Limaye U, Muranjan MN. Primary intraventricular haemorrhage: A rare presenting feature of arteriovenous malformation in children. J Indian Med Assoc 2002; 100(4): 254 – 256.
- Bartakke S, Kabade U, Muranjan MN, Bavdekar SB. Mycotic Aneurysm: An uncommon cause for Intra-cranial hemorrhage Indian J Pediatr 2002; 69:905 – 907.
- Parmar RC, Muranjan MN, Swami S. Trisomy 21 with XYY Syndrome. Indian J Pediatr 2002; 69: 979 – 987.
- Parmar RC, Muranjan MN, Kotwaliwale S. Ring Chromosome 12 with variable phenotypic features: Clinical Report with a Review of the Literature. Am J Med Genet 2003; 117A (3): 275 – 277.
- Chauhan UM, Tullu MS, Muranjan MN, Lahiri KR. Thalamic Hemorrhage: A Rare Presentation of Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformation in Infancy. New Zealand Med J 2003; 116: 1 – 5. URL: http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/116-1186/687
- Tullu MS, Rodrigues S, Muranjan MN, Bavdekar SB, Kamat JR, Hira PR. Neurological Complications of Rabies Vaccines. Indian Pediatr 2003; 40:150 – 154.
- Arora P, Tullu MS, Muranjan MN, Kerkar SP, Girisha KM, Bharucha BA. Congenital and Inherited Ophthalmologic Abnormalities. Indian J Pediatr 2003; 70: 549 – 552.
- Parmar RC, Somale A, Bavdekar SB, Muranjan MN. Incomplete Kawasaki disease with recurrent skin peeling: A case report with review of literature. J Postgrad Med 2003; 49: 72-74.
- Tullu MS, Udgirkar VS, Muranjan MN, Sathe SA, Kamat JR. Kocher Debre Semelaigne Syndrome. Indian J Pediatr 2003; 70: 671 – 673.
- Parmar RC, Muranjan MN. Congenital bilabial double lip- blepharophimosis- blepharoptosis- craniofacial dysmorphism- clinodactyly: A new association. Am J Med Genet 2004; 124A: 200 – 201.
- Kava MP, Tullu MS, Muranjan MN, Girish KM. Down Syndrome: Clinical Profile from India. Archives Med Res 2004; 35: 31 – 35.
- Bavdekar SB, Muranjan MN, Gogtay N, Kantharia V, Kshirsagar NA. Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome: Lymphocyte toxicity assay for the confirmation of diagnosis and risk assessment. Ann Pharmacotherapy 2004; 38: 1648 – 1650, Epub 10th August 2004
- Deo MG, Gangal SG, Kher A, Muranjan M. Mobile workshops for students – A novel programme for graduate medical education. Curr Sci 2004; 86: 1377 – 1380.
- Sanghvi JP, Muranjan MN, Bavdekar SB, Parmar RC. Congenital factor VII deficiency. Indian J Pediatr 2004; 71: 441 – 443.
- Shaharao VB, Bartakke S, Muranjan MN, Bavdekar MB, Bavdekar SB, Udani VP. Recurrent acute transverse myelopathy: Association with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Indian J Pediatr 2004; 71: 559 – 561.
- Kumar S, Muranjan MN, Tullu MS, Lahiri KR. Incomplete monosymptomatic leptomeningeal angiomatosis. Indian J Pediatr 2004; 71: 947
- Bartakke S, Bavdekar SB, Kondurkar P, Muranjan MN, Manglani M, Sharma R. Effect of Deferiprone on urinary zinc excretion in multiply transfused children with thalassemia major. Indian Pediatr 2005; 42: 150 – 154.
- Kumar S, Tullu MS, Muranjan MN, Kamat JR. Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome. Indian J Med Sci 2005; 59: 70 – 73.
- Tullu MS, Muranjan MN. Morphologic Manifestations in Down Syndrome. Archives Med Res 2005; 36: 184 – 185.
- Surve TY, Muranjan MN, Bharucha BA. Wolman disease: Diagnosis by leukocyte acid lipase estimation. Indian J Pediatr 2005; 72: 353 – 354.
- Muranjan MN, Bavdekar SB, Batra H, Birajdar S, Borwankar SS. Unusual foreign bodies: Tribulations and tragedies. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2005; 69:1269 – 1274
- Shaharao VB, Agarwal R, Muranjan MN, Bavdekar SB. Axonal involvement with white matter abnormalities in Merosin-positive congenital muscular dystrophy: A new association. J Ped Neurol 2005; 3: 169 – 172.
- Muranjan MN, Birajdar S, Shah H, Sundaraman P, Tullu M. Psychological Consequences in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Survivors: The Neglected Outcome. Indian Pediatr 2008; 45: 99 – 103.
- Agarwal R, Muranjan MN. Diagnostic practice for organic acidemias: Barriers to early diagnosis. Arch Dis Child 2008; 93: 1000. doi:10.1136/adc.2008.141242
- Shaikh AY, Muranjan MN, Gogtay NJ, Lahiri KR. Possible mechanism for zonisamide induced hyperammonemia in a child with citrullinemia type 1. Ind J Med Sci 2009; 63: 203 – 206.
- Bhatia S, Tullu MS, Date NB, Muzumdar D, Muranjan MN, Lahiri KR. Anterior sacral pyocele with meningitis: A rare presentation of occult spinal dysraphism with congenital dermal sinus. J Child Neurol 2010; 25: 1393 – 1397.
- Muranjan MN, Chaudhari T, Vundinti BR. Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Down Syndrome: Is Parent of Origin of Extra Chromosome 21 Responsible? Indian Pediatr 2010; 47: 429 – 432
- Tullu MS, Deshmukh I, Muranjan MN, Kher AS, Lahiri KR. Extrapontine myelinolysis in A child with nephritic syndrome. Pediatr Neurol 2010;43:139 – 141
- Tullu MS, Patil DP, Muranjan MN, Kher AS, Lahiri KR. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in a Child Presenting as Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. J Child Neurol published online 22 July 2010, DOI:10.1177/0883073810375717
- Kumar P. Muranjan MN, Tullu MS, Vaideeswar P, Kher AS, Lahiri K. Candida Tropicalis Endocarditis: Treatment in a Resource-poor Setting. Annals of Pediatric Cardiology 2010; 3: 174 – 177
- Muranjan MN, Mehta C, Pakhare A. An observational survey health service based survey for missed opportunities for immunization: Who is responsible? Indian Pediatr 2011; 48: 633 – 636
- Dherai AJ, Srilatha K, Muranjan MN, Nampoothiri S, Radharama Devi A. Chitotriosidase in Gaucher type 1 – A study from India, J Inherit Metab Dis 2011; 34 (Suppl 3): S197
- Bhatia S, Muranjan MN, Lahiri KR. Left ventricular failure due to a rare variant of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Indian J Pediatr, “in press”
- Muranjan MN, Agarwal S, Lahiri K, Bashyam M. Farber disease: Novel biochemical abnormalities, genotype and post-mortem diagnosis from preserved umbilical cord DNA, Indian Pediatr, “in press”
Non-peer Review Publication
- Surve TY, Muranjan MN, Warke C, Deshmukh CT. Cerebral hydatid disease in a case of congenital pulmonary stenosis. Pediatric Clinics of India 2002; 37:11 – 15.
- Girisha KM, Bartakke S, Tullu MS, Bavdekar SB, Muranjan MN, Kamat JR. Primary pulmonary hypertension: Report of two cases & brief review of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Pediatric Clinics of India 2003; 38: 32 – 41.
- Bansal P, Muranjan MN, Kher AS, Lahiri KR. Dyskeratosis Congenita, photoquiz, Genetic Clinics 2010; 3: 14
- Landge AA, Toshniwal AM, Kher AS, Muranjan MN, Lahiri KR. De Sanctis Cacchione syndrome: A rare form of xeroderma pigmentosa, Genetics Clinics 2010; 3: 3 – 4
Book Chapters
- K.R.Lahiri, C.T.Deshmukh, S.B.Bavdekar, R.K.Vaswani, M.N.Muranjan, M.D.Mahajan, Milind S. Tullu. Paediatrics. In: Standard Treatment Guidelines: Inpatient Care. A WHO – India Initiative. Mumbai, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai 2002: Pp 269-320.
- Muranjan MN. Novel therapies for Genetic disorder. Current strategies and promise for the future. In: Clinical Genetics: Desktop Manual Lahiri KR (Ed), Jaypee Bros, 2005, New Delhi
- Inherited metabolic disorders In: IAP Pediatric drug formulary 2004, Unni JC, Nair MKC, Thacker N, Menon PSN, Vijaykumar M et al (Eds), 1st Edition 2004
- Muranjan MN. Mental retardation, prenatal diagnosis, gene therapy, genetic counseling and common chromosomal anomalies, In: Textbook of Pediatrics, Agarwal M (Ed), Bhalani, 2009, Mumbai
Electronic Publications
- Muranjan MN, Agarwal R. Genetic Counselling In: Indian Academy of Pediatrics teaching modules in Pediatrics CD Rom, Eds Chandrasekaran K, Ramachandran P, Ravisekar CV et al, 2007
- Muranjan M, Suresh KR, Kannan S, Bakane A, Gogtay NJ, Thatte UM. D-Penicillamine induced Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa (EPS) in a patient with Wilson disease: A case report Accessed from http://ww.kem.edu/dept/clinical_pharmacology/adverse_event_month_case/case_Nov2009.htm
Publications by Invitation
- Muranjan MN, Tullu MS. Neurodegenerative disorders: A logical approach. Paediatrics Today 2004; VII (2): 72 – 82.
- Muranjan MN, Agarwal R. Inborn errors of metabolism in Neonates: An Overview. Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2005; 7(3): 205 – 218
- Muranjan MN, Dharaskar P. Prenatal Diagnosis: Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Journal of Metabolism &Genetics, 2005, 1(2): 65 – 74
- Muranjan MN, Dharaskar P. Prenatal Diagnosis: Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Perinatology, 2005, 8(1): 17 – 25
- Muranjan MN. Editorial: Prevention of Genetic Disorders – The challenge in India. Pediatric Clinics of India 2005; 40(1): 1 – 5
- Muranjan MN, Chaudhari T. Down Syndrome, In: Knowledge Update Programme – TRS Volume II, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, 2006, Pp 13 – 21
- Muranjan MN, Agarwal S. Inborn Errors of Metabolism - Prenatal Diagnosis & Newborn Screening: Relevance in India. Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2010: 12: 131 – 147
- “Congenital Malformations” for a TV serial “Mamta ka Aangan” on Doordarshan National Network, March 2001.
- “This girl is alive thanks to US Generosity” Mid Day, Mumbai, Monday, August 22, 2005
- “Rare disorder has baby in blisters” The Times of India, Mumbai, Monday, December 11, 2006
- “Newborn screening: Catch them young” http://www.livemint.com/newborn.htm, Bangalore, Monday, March 10, 2008
- “5-yr-old girl with rare disorder is treated at KEM” The Times of India, Mumbai, Tuesday, February 23, 2010
- “Teens with rare genetic disorder get int’l aid” The Times of India, Mumbai, Monday, August 2, 1010
- “Pregnancy guide” Deccan Chronicle (Bangalore Edition), January 2011, Page 31 and Asian Age, January 2011
- Live interview on Doordarshan Sayhadri channel during the 9.30 pm news bulletin on Gaucher disease on Friday January 28, 2011
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