Professional Experience
- M.B.B.S., Seth G.S.Medical College, Bombay Univ.1959
- Internship & General Surgical Residency: K.E.M.Hosp. Mumbai, 1959-’63
- M.S. [Gen. Surg.] Bombay Univ.1963
- New Jersey College of Medicine, N.J., USA,1964-’68
- F.R.C.S. [Urology] Canada 1968
- Certification, American Board of Urology, USA, 1972
- Asst. Prof. of Urology, New Jersey College of Medicine, N.J., USA, 1968-73
- Associate Prof. of Urology, Grant Medical College, Mumbai, 1977-82
- Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Urology, Grant Medical College & J.J.Group of Hospitals, Mumbai. 1982-‘94
- Senior Consultant Urologist, Air-India Panel, 1982-2000
- Hon. Consultant Urologist, Jaslok Hosp.& Research Centre, Mumbai, 1974-contd.
- Senior Consultant Urologist on Panel of Indian Airlines, 1997-contd.
- Fellowships & Fellow, International College of Surgeons
- Corresponding Member, American Urological Association
- Member, Societe Internationale D’Urologie
- Life Member, Association of Surgeons of India
- Life Member, Urological Society of India
- Life Member, West Zone Chapter, USI
- Life Member, Mumbai Urology Society
- Life Member, National Kidney Foundation of India
Academic Honours:
- Pinnamaneni Venkateshwar Rao Gold Medal by Urological Society of India, 1998
- Dr. B.C. Roy National Award for ‘Eminent Medical Teacher’ by Medical Council of India, 1999
- Distinguished Teacher’s Award by Institute of Kidney Diseases & Research Centre, Ahmedabad, 2000
- “ Oration ” at the 13th annual conference of I.M.A. in Goa, 2001
- Himadri Sarkar Oration, Urological Society of India, 2002
- Urology Gold Medal by Urological Society of India, 2002
- Urology Gold Medal by West Zone Chapter of USI, 2004
Academic Positions at National & International Societies:
- Member of Governing Council, Urological Society of India, 1988 – 90
- Hon. Secretary, West-Zone Chapter of USI, 1992 – 94
- President, West-Zone Chapter of USI, 1995 – 96
- Chairman of the Education Section of RES foundation of USI, 1997 – 99
- Member of Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Urology, 1999 – 2005 President-Elect, Urological Society of India, 2000 – 2001
- President of Urological Society of India, 2001 – 2002
- Chairman, Organising Committee, Societe International ed’Urologie Instructional Courses & Workshop in India, 2006
Academic Honours:
- Pinnamaneni Venkateshwar Rao Gold Medal by Urological Society of India, 1998
- Dr. B.C. Roy National Award for ‘Eminent Medical Teacher’ by Medical Council of India, 1999
- Distinguished Teacher’s Award by Institute of Kidney Diseases & Research Centre, Ahmedabad, 2000
- “ Oration ” at the 13th annual conference of I.M.A. in Goa, 2001
- Himadri Sarkar Oration, Urological Society of India, 2002
- Urology Gold Medal by Urological Society of India, 2002
- Urology Gold Medal by West Zone Chapter of USI, 2004
Academic Positions at National & International Societies:
- Member of Governing Council, Urological Society of India, 1988 – 90
- Hon. Secretary, West-Zone Chapter of USI, 1992 – 94
- President, West-Zone Chapter of USI, 1995 – 96
- Chairman of the Education Section of RES foundation of USI, 1997 – 99
- Member of Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Urology, 1999 – 2005
- President-Elect, Urological Society of India, 2000 – 2001
- President of Urological Society of India, 2001 – 2002
- Chairman, Organising Committee, Societe International ed’Urologie Instructional Courses & Workshop in India, 2006
Appointed by Bombay University on the committee for:
- Recognition of house-posts for training in urology at H.N.Hosp., Mumbai & Bombay Hosp., Mumbai
- Recognition of Bombay Hospital as a Post-graduate Institute for training towards M.Ch. Urology.
- Recognition of Nephrology Unit at L.T.M.G. Hospital, Sion, Mumbai.
- Recognition of Urology Unit at Nair Hospital, Mumbai.
Appointed by Maharashtra Government:
- On the committee to frame rules for Maharashtra Kidney Transplantation Act of 1982.
- Expert advisor for granting recognition to hospitals for retrieval and transplantation pf kidneys.
Academic Honours:
- Pinnamaneni Venkateshwar Rao Gold Medal by Urological Society of India, 1998
- Dr. B.C. Roy National Award for ‘Eminent Medical Teacher’ by Medical Council of India, 1999
- Distinguished Teacher’s Award by Institute of Kidney Diseases & Research Centre, Ahmedabad, 2000
- “ Oration ” at the 13th annual conference of I.M.A. in Goa, 2001
- Himadri Sarkar Oration, Urological Society of India, 2002
- Urology Gold Medal by Urological Society of India, 2002
- Urology Gold Medal by West Zone Chapter of USI, 2004
Academic Positions at National & International Societies:
- Member of Governing Council, Urological Society of India, 1988 – 90
- Hon. Secretary, West-Zone Chapter of USI, 1992 – 94
- President, West-Zone Chapter of USI, 1995 – 96
- Chairman of the Education Section of RES foundation of USI, 1997 – 99
- Member of Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Urology, 1999 – 2005
- President-Elect, Urological Society of India, 2000 – 2001
- President of Urological Society of India, 2001 – 2002
- Chairman, Organising Committee, Societe International ed’Urologie Instructional Courses & Workshop in India, 2006
Appointed by Bombay University on the committee for:
- Recognition of house-posts for training in urology at H.N.Hosp., Mumbai & Bombay Hosp., Mumbai
- Recognition of Bombay Hospital as a Post-graduate Institute for training towards M.Ch. Urology.
- Recognition of Nephrology Unit at L.T.M.G. Hospital, Sion, Mumbai.
- Recognition of Urology Unit at Nair Hospital, Mumbai.
Appointed by Maharashtra Government:
- On the committee to frame rules for Maharashtra Kidney Transplantation Act of 1982.
- Expert advisor for granting recognition to hospitals for retrieval and transplantation pf kidneys.
Appointed by Medical Council of India for:
- Inspection of M.Ch.[Urol] programmes at :
- Sri Ramchandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai;
- Ahmedabad Medical College at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
- J.N.Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka.
- Andhra Medical College, Vishkhapatnam.
- Indira Gandhi Institute, Patna, Bihar.
- Muljibhai Patel Urology Institute, Nadiad, Gujarat.
- Conducted Workshops on ‘Endoscopic Surgery for Prostate’ & ‘Kidney Transplantation’
- Delivered several Guest lectures & Orations at National scientific meetings
- Presented several scientific papers at national conferences.
- Chapter on “ Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy” in ‘ Principals & Practice of Obstetrics & Perinatology’ published by John Wiley & Sons Inc., USA, 1981
- Chapter on “Urinary Tract Infections in Women”, in Gynecological Urology, Orient Longman Publication, 2001
- Book on “Management of Urological Problems in General Practice”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1995

BPH, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Prostrate Cancer, Urinary Incontinence, weak bladder, uti, urinary tract infections, enlarged prostrate, kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder cancer, bladder proplapse, hematuria, blood in the urine, erectile dysfunction, ED, interstital cystitis, painful bladder syndrome, overactive bladder, prostatitis, swelling of prostrate gland, kidney cancer, kidney tumors, testicular cancer, cystometry, cystoscopy