Has worked at Hinduja hospital in the department of Urology for more than 10 years. He has a vast experience in handling routine and complicated urological cases, including emergencies.
Has performed many urological surgeries including
- Endo-urological procedures like TURP, URS and PCNL, RIRS
- Reconstructive surgeries like urethroplasty, pyeloplasty, ureteric reimplantation, Boari flap, hypospadias
- Cancer surgeries like TURBT, radical nephrectomy, radical cystectomy, inguinal orchidectomy, partial amputation of penis
- Female urological procedures like Burch colposuspension for stress incontinence, uro-gynec fistulae repair
- Paediatric urological procedures
Has been actively involved in the transplant programme for more than 500 kidney transplants as a part of the surgical team.
Trained at Vedanayagam Hospital, Coimbatore under Dr Ganesh Gopalakrishnan in January 2021 for reconstructive urology procedures.

- Life Member of Urological Society of India
- Life Member of Mumbai Urology Society
- Life Member of Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai
- Life Member of Renal Transplant Section of USI
- Life Member of IMA and AMC
University Second in First M.B.,B.S.
- Recipient of C B Bhargav Gold Medal for highest marks in the subject of Anatomy in First M.B.,B.S.
- University First in M.S. (Surgery)
- Recipient of Dr S A Tembe Gold Medal, Dr R T Mehta Gold Medal and Lt. Smt. Narmadaben R Shah and Lt. Shri Ashok R Shah Gold Medal for highest marks in M.S. (Surgery)
He has eight publications as the first / corresponding author in pub med indexed international journals. He has also been a reviewer for international journals.
- Punatar CB, Jadhav KK, Kumar V, Sagade SN. Malignant mesothelioma of tunica vaginalis without any risk factors: An uncommon case. J Cancer Res Ther. 2019;15(Supplement):S167-S169. doi:10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_1403_16
- Punatar C, Jadhav K, Kumar V, Joshi V, Sagade S. Neutrophil:Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictive Factor for Success of Nephron-Sparing Procedures in Patients with Emphysematous Pyelonephritis. Perm J. 2019;23:18-044. doi:10.7812/TPP/18-044
- Jadhav KK, Kumar V, Punatar CB, Joshi VS, Sagade SN. Retroperitoneal fibrosis – clinical presentation and outcome analysis from urological perspective. Investig Clin Urol. 2017 Sep;58(5):371-377. doi: 10.4111/icu.2017.58.5.371. Epub 2017 Aug 4.
- Kumar V, Punatar C, Jadhav K, Sagade S. Accidental cystectomy during laparoscopic excision of prostatic utricle cyst - a rare complication. International Brazilian Journal of Urology : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology. 2018;44(4):826-830. doi:10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2017.0284.
- Kumar V, Punatar CB, Jadhav KK, et al. Routine double-J stenting for live related donor kidney transplant recipients: It doesn't serve the purpose, but does it serve a better purpose? Investig Clin Urol. 2018;59(6):410-415. doi:10.4111/icu.2018.59.6.410
Ongoing projects:
- Role of Neutrophil Lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic marker for non metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
- Role of PET/CT for detection of recurrence, metastases and assessment of response to cytostatic therapy in renal cell carcinoma.
- Role of Serum alkaline phosphatase in newly diagnosed genito-urinary cancers in comparison with bone scan.
- Role of urodynamics studies to evaluate the lower urinary symptoms in Parkinson’s patients.
Has attended various conferences and workshops, most prominent of them being,
- National conference of the Urological society of India (USICON) held at Mumbai, January 2017
- Urethroplasty workshop at Kulkarni Institute, Pune in August 2017
- National Organ Retrieval Workshop (Oxford University course) at Bangalore, May 2018

BPH, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Prostrate Cancer, Urinary Incontinence, weak bladder, uti, urinary tract infections, enlarged prostrate, kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder cancer, bladder proplapse, hematuria, blood in the urine, erectile dysfunction, ED, interstital cystitis, painful bladder syndrome, overactive bladder, prostatitis, swelling of prostrate gland, kidney cancer, kidney tumors, testicular cancer, cystometry, cystoscopy