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Head of Department of Lab Medicine, Consultant Microbiologist, Chairperson Infection Control Committee
Areas of expertise
Rapid diagnosis of Infectious disease, Tuberculosis, Infection Control, Newer antimicrobials, Emerging pathogens
Professional Affiliations
- Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Life Membership no. 662
- Hospital Infection Society, India Life Membership no. 43
- Hospital Infection Society, Mumbai Forum.
- Indian Society Of Critical Care Medicine
- Appointed as Member of Board of Studies in Microbiology – University of Mumbai from 2000-2005.
- Recognized guide for both M.Sc & PhD by Research in Applied Biology – University of Mumbai
- Appointed as External Examiner to conduct Public Viva Voce Examination for Ph D degree by The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai June 2009
- NATIONAL BOARD EXAMINATIONS, NEW DELHI- Recognised teacher for DNB Microbiology by the National Board Examinations
- Appointed as Inspector for re accreditation of DNB in Microbiology by the National Board
COLLEGE OF AMERICAN PATHOLOGISTS - CAP Auditor for College of American Pathologists
Honours & Awards
- Rapid intradermal Hepatitis B immunisation for Health care workers using a recombinant vaccine.
- Screening of urban slum women for infection of lower genital tract.
- Plasmid analysis of Salmonella typhi strains.
- Screening of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).
- Standardisation of Extractable Nuclear Antigen detection (ENA ) using ELISA in patients of collagen vascular disease
- Study of CFP-11-92-00ID(Pfizer Ltd).
- Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis by DNA amplification in clinical practice.
- Immunoblotting as a Diagnostic Tool in Tuberculosis.
- Rifapentine in vitro against mycobacteria.
- Joint Endophthalmitis study.
- In vitro sensitivity of Netilmycin in Hospital pathogens.
- DNA Amplification of Atypical Respiratory Pathogens – Legionella / Mycoplasma.
- H.Influenza and MRSA Surveillance Study.
- Identification and diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using Ribosomal RNA.
- Clostridium difficile in antibiotic associated diarrhoea.
- PCR Amplification of IS6110 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- In vitro sensitivity testing of teicoplanin on gram positive organisms.
- To correlate HbsAg positivity (ELISA) with HBV DNA positivity (PCR) in patients on chronic hemodialysis.
- To determine the incidence of drug resistance of tuberculosis from rural and urban areas in Maharashtra.
- To standardise HCV-RNA by amplification in single-step RT-PCR and to correlate it with anti-HCV 3rd generation ELISA in patients with chronic hepatitis.
- Loracarbef & Cefaclor in vitro Global Surveillance Study.
- Antimicrobial susceptibility testing in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
- Rapid TB detection and susceptibility using a mycobacteriophage.
- Study of Rapid Diagnostic Tests in tuberculosis.
- Comparison of Drug Susceptibility pattern in non-responding (MDR-TB) patients by older conventional LJ method and newer BACTEC method.
- Detection of IFN-gamma secreting of T cells specific for M.tuberculosis.
- Correlation of HCV Antibody positivity by ELISA with RIBA & PCR in healthy donors.
- Diagnosis of CMV infection in Renal transplant patient by detection of early structural proteins (pp65) and comparing antigenemia assay with PCR and serology for CMV IgM.
- A clinical study of LY 333328 in patients with S.aureus bacteremia.
- Multicentric trial EGAST 2000-Expert Group on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing incidence of Beta-Lactamase producing strains among clinical isolates obtained from hospital inpatients.
- Comparative antimicrobial activity of six broad spectrum beta lactams at medical centers in India.
- Evaluation of excretory secretory antigenic Target-6 (ESAT 6) / CFP 10 & phenolic glycolipid (PGL 1) antigens in the serological diagnosis of tuberculosis – a multicentric trial.
- Prospective epidemiological survey of antibiotic resistance of clinically significant Gram positive cocci isolated from respiratory tract infections.
- Fecal carriage of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases producing flora in healthy executives
- A retrospective study to compile data on systemic fungal infections in hospital settings with emphasis on sensitivity patterns, treatment practices, and outcomes.
- Evaluation of p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNBA) assay against NAP and Accuprobe for
- species Identification of mycobacteria.
- Molecular biology techniques in the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis
- Development of a reverse line blot hybridization assay for simultaneous species detection of mycobacteria and drug resistance testing in M tuberculosis complex
- To monitor globally and longitudinally,the in vitro susceptibility of bacteria from intra Abdominal infected sites to Ertapenem and other antimicrobials
- A comparison of private and public healthcare’s effect on the tuberculosis epidemic In Mumbai, India
- A novel multiplex PCR with non gel based system for simultaneous detection and differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M avium complex and other Mycobacteria species directly from clinical samples of suscepted tuberculosis cases.
- Role of AFB culture and PCR in diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis.
- Evaluation of the susceptibility of Staphylococcus isolates including Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) to teicoplanin from hospitalized patients in High –Risk Areas.
- Meropenem yearly susceptibility test information collection (MYSTIC) program
- Evaluation of the FIND/Cepheid Xpert MTB assay for the detection of pulmonary TB in sputum of symptomatic adults
- Hepatitis B virus genotyping and its relevance to severity of liver disease and Treatment
- Early detection of Invasive Fungal Infections as Candida and Aspergillus in immunocompromised patients
- Molecular characterization of Extensively Drug Resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB)at P D Hinduja National Hospital - a tertiary care center
- A non interventional multicenter in vitro study to evaluate the prevalence of beta Lactamase producing strains among clinical isolates obtained from hospital in patients and comparison of antimicrobial susceptibility using disc diffusion method.
- Evaluation of LED- Light Emission Diode microscopy for Tuberculosis diagnosis in high incidence settings
- TB specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses in the presence of persistent antigen –Does prolonged in vivo exposure of TB specific T cells to MTB antigen lead to a level of dysfunction in TB specific T cells
- To determine the incidence of Clostridium difficile infection and identify the risk factors involved.
- Biomarkers for immunity to Mycobaterium tuberculosis in exposed but uninfected Health Care Workers.
- DC Patel / B. C. Mehta Award for 2nd Best Original Article prize for the year 1998 for article in Dec 1997 (JAPI). Identification and diagnosis of M. tuberculosis using 16S rRNA gene on pulmonary tuberculosis.
- Award for best paper –Drug resistant tuberculosis in rural and urban Mumbai at IVth National Conference on Hospital Infection Control at Indore, Feb 1997.
- Award for excellent contribution to Indian Practitioner Millennium issue for chapter on Serological Tests in Autoimmune Disease.
- 1st Prize for best paper presentation Salmonella in seronegative spondyloarthropathies at XVth Annual conference of Indian Rheumatism Association Dec’99.
- 1st Prize for best paper presentation: Correlation of HCV antibody positivity by ELISA, RIBA and PCR in donors – Bombay Haematology Conference – Feb 2000.
- Outstanding referee award for Journal of Association of Physician of India, 2000
- Best Paper of the Year award by Indian Journal Of Medical Microbiologists for the paper entitled Rapid diagnosis of Tuberculosis using Transcription Mediated Amplification in Indian Journal Of Medical Microbiology 2001;19:184-189
- Best oral presentation on Comparing three methodologies - serology, antigenemia assay, and polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of CMV disease in renal transplant patients at the Annual Conference of the West Zone Indian Society of Nephrology at Vadodara 2001
- Best poster titled use of spoligotyping for typing of MDR -TB strains from Mumbai at the VII Maharashtra Chapter conference and CME of the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai on 27th Sept 2002
- Hansraj Nayyar Memorial Award presented on Role of Bacterial Polymerase Chain Reaction and Plasma Procalcitonin levels in the early diagnosis of sepsis at the 12th Annual Conference of the Indian Society Of Critical Care Medicine Feb 2006.
- Gold medal for the best Paper on Development of a Reverse Line Blot Hybridization (RLBH) for species identification of mycobacteria and drug resistance testing in M tuberculosis awarded by Indian Association of Medical Microbiology at the XXX1 National Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists - Microcon 2007.
- A N Chakraborty Memorial Prize for the best published paper in Mycobacteriology in the year 2007 on dedicated decontamination a necessity for high throughput mycobacteriology laboratories.
- Best Paper in Bacteriology “Incidence of the PVL gene in MRSA” at the XXX11 National Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists - Microcon 2008
- Best Paper in Mycobacteriology “Comparison of MGIT 960 vs LJ for recovery of Mycobacteria” at the XXX11 National Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists - Microcon 2008
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