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Consultant - Histopathology
MD, FIC Path
Areas of expertise
Oncologic pathology with emphasis on breast and gynaec pathology and applications of immunohistochemical and molecular studies in diagnostic pathology.
Professional Experience and Training
Professional Experience
Four years of undergraduate teaching and over twelve years of postgraduate teaching. Was postgraduate teacher of Gujarat University from 1987 till 1992 then relocated to Mumbai. Am Guide for Post doctoral Certificate Course in Oncosurgical pathology (PDCC) conducted by the Indian College of Pathologists. Have two successful candidates since 2006.
- 5th International CME & Update in Surgical Pathology, NIMS, Hyderabad,2000
- 6th International CME & Update in Surgical Pathology, PGI, Chandigarh,2001
- 7th International CME & Update in Surgical Pathology, Trivandrum, 2002
- John Hopkins Diagnostic Surgical Pathology& Cyto-Pathology Course, Milan, Italy, 2002
- 8th International CME &Update in Surg. Path, AIIMS, New Delhi, 2003
- Practical Lymphoma Diagnosis – IAP-HK, Hong Kong, 2004
- CAP Lab Accreditation, Inspector Training Seminar, Bombay, 2006
- 9th Annual UCSF/ Stanford Course on Current Issues In Anatomic Pathology, San Francisco, USA, 2006
- GCP – GLP, Mumbai, India, 2007
- Newer Perspectives in Gynecologic Pathology, Mumbai, India, 2008
- International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Medicine & Clinical Implications, Mumbai, India, 2009
- 16th International Surgical Pathology Symposium of Mayo Med.Labs, USA , Berlin, Germany, 2009
- Evidence Based Management: Conference on Aggressive NHL’s, Mumbai, 2010
- 'Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Of Neoplastic diseases'MSKCC New York, USA, 2010
- Molecular Diagnostics in In Oncopathology. Mumbai, India 2011
- IAP-ID CME on G.I.Pathology Jamnagar,India, 2012
- CAP Lab Inspectors training Mumbai, 2013
- 3rd Intl. workshop in diagnostic Immunohistochemistry-IAP Australasian Div Sydney, Australia 2013
- IAP-Australasian Div Congress Sydney, Australia 2013
- CAP Pathologists Meet Chicago, USA 2014
- Surgical Pathology of the Breast, Female genital tract,Soft tissue,Head & Neck and Lung Hawaii,USA 2015
Professional Affiliations
- Secretary & Treasurer, International Academy of Pathology - Indian Division 2017-2020.
- President , International Academy of Pathology - Indian Division 2021-2022.
- Head of Department of Lab Medicine Medical 2019- to date.
- Referee and reviewer for Indian journal of Cancer therapeutics and research, Indian journal of Pathology & microbiology.
- Member, Patient Care committee and Audit committee, P. D. Hinduja Hospital MRC.
- Trained assessor for College of American Pathologists since 2014.
- Member of New York Academy of Sciences, 2000.
- Organising Secretary of 11TH Annual IAP-ID CME on "Newer Perspectives In Gynecologic Pathology' 2008, Mumbai.
- Co-Convenor of Gynec Pathology Symposium at 6TH Asia-Pacific International Academy of Pathology Congress, 2009, Kochy.
- Co-organiser of International Update and hands-on workshop on Immunohistochemistry in Pune, 2008 (Aug).
- Conducted workshop on Immunohistochemistry at A.P.Chapter Conf. of IAPM in Sept.2008.
- National Editorial Board & reviewer for Indian J. Of Cytology & Ind.J.of Pathology & Microbiology.
- Moderator for symposium on Gynec.Pathology at 59th National Conference of Ind.Acad.of Path & Microbiology at Hyderabad, Dec. 2010.
- Programme coordinator and speaker at CME on Ovarian & Endometrial Pathology at Ambajogai, Feb 2011.
- Organising secretary of 19th IAP-ID Annual CME on "Biopsy approach to diagnosis of thoracic and Abdominal lsions", 2016, Mumbai.
Honours & Awards
- Awarded the Sri Venkateshwara Balaji Gold Medal Pathology Chair Oration in 2017.
- Awarded the honorary Fellowship of Indian college of Pathologists in 2018.
- Featured in the survey Best docs Mumbai 2020 in Pathology – General by Outlook in their spotlight issue dated 1st Jan 2020.
- Featured in the survey Top doctors in Mumbai in Pathology by India Today group in their issue dated 4th September 2020 and 2021.
- British Council TCTP Award, 1989 -Royal Post-Graduate for advanced Surgical Pathology, Medical School and University College of Medical Sciences, London.
- Pseudoallescheria boydii Lung infection in an immunocompetent adult, difficulties indiagnosis and management : R. Soman, A.A.Mahashur, D.Naphade, C.Rodrigues,A.Bhaduri, P.K.Nagnur, A.Warrier. JAPI 2010.
- Whole Slide Scans and Web-Based Conferencing Tools used in combination provideaccurate assessment of cases for Real-time global clinical consultation. SM Lele, A Bhaduri, C.Madiwale… Visions; October 24…2010. Metropolisafrica.com
- Low frequency of MLH1/MSH2 inactivation in suspected HNPCC patients fromIndia…. S.D’Souza, A Tester, D Devendra, J.Bhatt, A Bhaduri…2011 – AACR.
- Ghee and honey dressing for infected wounds. TE Udwadia – Indian Journal ofSurgery, 2011 – Springer.
- Clinico epidemiological profile of HIV in patients with respiratory infections andtuberculosis in Western India. AA Mehta, VA Kumar, KG Vithalani, KR Patel – JClin Diagn Res.2011
- Esophageal adenocarcinoma versus squamous cell carcinoma:retrospective hospital-based analysis of a 12-year temporal trend:Bhome R,Desai D,Abraham P,JoshiA,Gupta A.,Bhaduri A.,Kapadia A,Patel K., Ind.J.Gastroenterol, 31(6),340-342,2012
- Rare biliary cystic tumors: a case series of biliary cystadenomas andcystadenocarcinoma. A Banerjee, SR Shah, A Singh, A Joshi, D Desai – Annals of hepatology, 2016
- Hamartomatous polyp of the Nasopharynx:Amitava Shukla,Trishna Kakad,Saloni Shah,Anita S. Bhaduri,Ind J of Otol H& N Surg,Feb,2017.
Chapters in Textbooks
- 'Guidelines in Breast Pathology Reporting' – contributing author, 1997.; Tata Press.
- Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in GIT – contributing author, 2010.
- Prognosis in Breast Carcinoma utilising plasma CEA and histological characteristics of the primary tumor. Tumor Biology 8: 233-240, 1987
- Prognostic value of squamous cell carcinoma antigen in patients with uterine cervical carcinoma. Tumori, 74: 221-225, 1988.
- Plasma prolactin as an indicator of disease progression in advanced breast cancer. Cancer, 65: 2023-2028, 1990.
- Prolactin in advanced breast cancer an Indian experience. Breast Diseases. 3: 199-204, 1990.
- Fibrocartilaginous mesenchymoma versus fibrous dysplasia: Are these a single entity? Letter to the editor, Am.J.Surg.Path. 19(12) 1447, 1995.
- Special stains, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopic studies in breast cancer. Chapter 12. Guidelines to Breast pathology Reporting, Tata Press, 1997.
- Mediastinal hibernoma: A case report. Z.F.Udwadia, Nandkumar & A.Bhaduri. Eur.J.Cardio-thorac.Surg. 15,533-535,1999.
- Extrathoracic Castleman's disease presenting as a neck mass. , Shukla A., Bhaduri A., Pachauri R. Ind.J.of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery 52 (2) 266-268, July-Sept.2000.
- 'Blind Conjunctival Biopsy as an Aid to the diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, Balakrishnan C., Mittal G., Mangat G., Bhaduri A., Deshpande R.B., Agarwala N., Joshi.V.R. JAPI 48(6) 656-658, 2000.
- Cushing's Syndrome in a patient with ACTH-secreting phaeochromocytoma. Ind.J.Urology 17(1) 52-53, 2000.
- Asymptomatic Pulmonary Cryptococcosis diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology. Amonkar G., Amonkar P & Bhaduri A.S. Acta Cytologica 44 (6) 1111-1113, 2000.
- Pineal Region Cavernoma – Case Report. Muzumdar, Misra B.K., Bhaduri A. Neurologia medico-chirurgica 40 (7) 372-379, 2000.
- Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis associated with autoimmune hepatitis. A.V.Doshi, D.Desai, Bhaduri A, Udwadia Z.F. Ind. J.Gastroenterology. 20, 76-77, 2001.
- Adrenal Histoplasmosis : Case Report. Joshi VR, A.Bhaduri, Sagade S.N. JAPI 49, 916-917,2001.
- Cystic variant of embryonal sarcoma of liver. Shah S.R, Joshi P, Bhaduri A.S., Bhalerao R.B. Ind. J.Gastroenterology 21, 35, 2002.
- Herpes Simplex esophagitis in immunocompetent individuals.U.Ashar, Sampat, Desai D, Bhaduri A., Joshi A, Z.F.Udwadia. Ind.J.Gastroenterology, 20, 245-246, 2002.
- Percutaneous expulsion of hydatid liver cyst. S.R.Shah, P.Joshi, A.Bhaduri, R.A. Bhalerao. Ind.J.Gastroenterol. 21(1) Jan-Feb, 2002.
- Nephrotic Syndrome cured by removal of malignant gastric stromal tumor. S.R.Shah, P.Joshi, A.S.Bhaduri, R.A.Bhalerao. Ind.J.Gastroenterol. 21(1) Jan, 2002.
- Kikuchi Fujimoto Disease with unusual features : R.Soman, U.Ashar, A.Shukla, R.Pachauri & A.Bhaduri, JAPI, 51, 314-315,2003.
- Obstructing enterolith as presenting feature in Crohn's disease : S.R. Shah, A.Bhaduri, D.D.Desai, P.Abraham & A.Joshi, Ind.J.Gastroenterol, March 2003.
- Flutamide-induced hepatotoxicity with possible potentiation by Simvastatin : Ashar U., Desai D. and Bhaduri A., JAPI, 51, 75-77, 2003.
- Polyarticular villonodular synovitis in a child. Mangat G, Balakrishnan C, Chinoy R.K & Bhaduri A. J.Ind.Rheumatol.Assoc. 11,14-15, 2003.
- Autoimmune hepatitis: A study of 50 patients. Gohar SC, Desai DC, Joshi A.G., Bhaduri A, Balkrishnan C, Chawla MH, Joshi.VR. Ind.J.Gastroenterol 22, 140-142, 2003.
- Follicular bronchiolitis in a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis. J.Ind.Rheum. Assoc. 12, 74-76, 2004.
- Primary synovial osteochondromatosis. Ind.J.Rheum. Assoc. 12, 29-30, 2004.
- PCP in India: Letter to the Editor, Z.F.Udwadia, A.V.Doshi & A.S.Bhaduri. New Eng. J.Med 351(12), 1262-1263, 2004.
- High incidence of estrogen receptor negative progesterone receptor positive phenotype in Indian breast cancer: fact or fiction. Navani S. & Bhaduri A.S. Ind.J.Path. Micro. 48(2), 199-201, 2005.
- Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia in HIV infected patients from Mumbai. Z.F.Udwadia, Amita V.Doshi & Anita S.Bhaduri, JAPI, 53, 437-440, 2005.
- Necrotising enterocolitis in adults. A study of four cases : Katara A.N., Chandiramani V.A., Soman R., Bhaduri A., Desai DD. Ind.J.Surg. 66(2), 115-118, 2005.
- Reappraisal of estrogen receptor negativity in Indian breast cancer. S.Navani, A.Bhaduri & R.Chopra : Abstract (761) of Annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Meet, Florida, USA; 2005.
- Hepatic tuberculosis in absence of dissseminated abdominal tuberculosis. Chirag Desai, Anand Joshi, Philip Abraham, D.D.Desai, R.B.Deshpande, A.Bhaduri & S.R.Shah. Annals of Hepatology 5(1) Jan-Mar.2006.
- Highly elev. Ca 19-9 & G.B.mass do not add upto Cancer. Melroy D'Souza, A.Joshi, D.Desai, P.Abraham, A.Bhaduri. S.Shah, Ind.J.Gastro 25(6) 271-272, Sept-Oct,2006.
- Ectopic craniopharyngioma of 4th ventricle : Case report., G.Shah, A.Bhaduri, B.K.Misra. Surg Neurol 68 )1) 96-98, 2007.
- Cushing's Syndrome & adrenal adenoma in a patient with ACTH – secreting phaeochromocytoma : D.R.Singh, Gaitonde K., Kulkarni.S.N., Sagade S.N., Shah N.F. & Bhaduri A, Ind.J.Urology (In press).
- Osteoarticular tuberculosis – diagnostic solutions in a disease endemic region. V.Agashe, S.Shenai, G.Mohrir, M.Deshmukh, A.Bhaduri, R.Deshpande, A.Mehta & C.Rodrigues. J.Infec. in Developing Countries, 2009, 3(7) 511-516.
- Wegener's granulomatosis presenting as a tonsillar mass : Singh S.K., Balakrishna C., Bajan K., & Bhaduri A. : JAPI, 57, 603, 2009 (Aug).
- Pseudoallescheria boydii Lung infection in an immunocompetent adult, difficulties in diagnosis and management : R. Soman, A.A.Mahashur, D.Naphade, C.Rodrigues, A.Bhaduri, P.K.Nagnur, A.Warrier. JAPI 2010, 58.
- Esophageal adenocarcinoma versus squamous cell carcinoma:retrospective hospital-based analysis of a 12-year temporal trend:Bhome R,Desai D,Abraham P,Joshi A,Gupta A.,Bhaduri A.,Kapadia A,Patel K., Ind.J.Gastroenterol, 31(6),340-342,2012.
- An Immuno-histologic study of Lympho-reticular neoplasms – DMER project as Chief Investigator,1986-1990.
- Epithelial antigen expression in uterine cervical carcinomas – Chief Investigator, 1988-1989.
- Cancer breast-histological grading and study of proto-oncogenes, Co-investigator. 1993-1997.
- Utility of anti-cytokeratin antibodies in the cytologic d/d of metastatic carcinomas,Chief investig,or. 1998.
- Clinical utility of DNA flow-cytometry in hematologic malignancies, Co-Investigator. 1998.
- GUIDE FOR POST-DOCTORAL CERTIFICATE COURSE IN ONCO-PATHOLOGY by the Indian College of Pathologists since 2004 successful students,4th one registered in 2015.
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